How he reacts when ur preg👸🏽🤰🏽

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•Passes out•

•Wakes up and literally acts like he has a sugar rush
"Oh my gods! I'm gonna be a dad!"
"Leo calm down!"•

•Never leaves your side
"Are you alright,Y/n?"
"Yes,Leo,for the billionth time,I'm alright. "

•Scared when you snap at him for no reason
"Ok,Y/n,I'm sorry!"•

•Gets you whatever you want•

•Has a baby shower with everyone of camp•

•Everytime someone looks at ur belly for to long,he threatens to burn them•

•Calls you baby mama and everyone finds it cute•

•Tries not to freak out on the outside when your water breaks so he doesn't stress you out more than you already are•

Hey,guys,here's a preference for ya ;). I hope you liked it.
Hades' daughter 🤰🏽🤰🏽

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