Second chance?👸🏽💍

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(Your pov)
(Also,you're a millionaire in this🤷🏽‍♀️)
I walked back into,Leo,my boyfriend of three years and I's house.
I heard moaning coming upstairs from our bedroom but it was a girls and Leo's.
"What the fuck?" I asked myself.
I walked upstairs and our door was crack open a little bit.

I saw Leo on top of a girl. She had cinnamon colored hair. It was Leo's ex,Calypso.
"Mhm~" Calypso moaned."I'm better than Y/n,aren't I?"
"Yeah~" Leo moaned.
"Really, Leo?! Three years down the fucking drain?!" I yelled.
Leo jumped off Calypso and looked at me.
"Baby,I can explain." Leo said.

"Explain what?! There's nothing to explain. Its just that you're fucking your hoe of an ex?!" I yelled.
"Excuse me-!" Calypso started.
"Bitch,shut the fuck up." I said,rolling my eyes.
"You have absolutely no right to talk to her like that."Leo said.
"Actually yes I do. This house that you're fucking in is in my name. So you can pack your shit and leave.You have 12 hours so exactly at 10 in the morning" I said.
"Y/nbaby-" Leo started.
"Call me that again and you'll be in your grave along with your hoe." I said.

I walked out and went to the kitchen. After ten minutes, Calypso left.
Leo came downstairs.
"Y/n." Leo said.
"Yes,Leonidas?" I asked,coldly.
"I'm sorry for cheating on you. I really am but you're always at work and never have time to spend time with me." Leo said.
"Funny how I was just about to tell you that I was off for a month." I chuckled, humorously.

Leo looked down.
"How long has this been going on?" I asked.
"Just today." Leo said.
I knew he was lying because his left ear was twitching.
"Leonidas Valdez how long has this been going on?" I asked.
"A week."Leo mumbled.
"Ok,leave." I said.
"But I-" Leo started.
"I'll pay for a hotel and send your shit over there." I said.

Leo nodded and left. I sighed and put my head against the table.
"I actually loved him. " I mumbled to myself.

~Two months later~
"Hey,Y/n,there's this party at Piper's house,wanna come?" My bestfriend asked.
"I don't know. Leo's friends with Pipes." I said,rinsing out my mouth.
"So? Fuck Leo. He lost a good girlfriend." They said.
"Yeah. " I laughed.
"So are you wearing a suit orrr a dress?"They asked.

"I don't know. We'll see what I'm feeling. " I sighed.
"Ok,I gotta go. See ya later." They said.
"Bye." I said.
I plopped,face first on my bed.
Hopefully Leo's not going to be there.

~10:32 PM~
"Y/n,where are you?!" My bestfriend yelled through the phone.
"Shit! I fell asleep!" I exclaimed.
"Get you're ass here! Oh and Leo's here." They said.
"Why,Leo?!" I groaned.
"You have ten minutes." They said, hanging up.

I got in a dress :

"Time to face my cheating ex

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"Time to face my cheating ex." I mumbled.

I drove to Piper's house. When I walked in,people instantly crowded me.
Some started whispering some stuff but I ingored them.
I walked to the kitchen to get a drink.

I saw Leo and he looked at me.
"Hi,Leo." I said.
"Hey,Y/n." Leo mumbled.
I got a drink and Leo mumbled something under his breath.

Then suddenly he kissed me. I kissed him back,still having feelings for him but then pushed him off.
"Leo,what the hell?" I exclaimed.
"I still love you." Leo said.
"No you don't." I said.
"Yes,I do,Y/n. I didn't mean to cheat on you with Calypso." Leo said.

"Show me then." I smirked.
Leo smiled and kissed me ,roughly.
"Y/n!" My bestfriend exclaimed.
I pulled away from him and looked at them.
"Get away from Leo." They said.

I backed up and Leo looked back and forth from me and my bestfriend.
"Leo stay away from Y/n because all your gonna do is use her and cheat on her again." My bestfriend said.
"No I'm not gonna-" Leo started.
"Stay away." They said, pulling me away from Leo.

"Bro what the fuck?" I exclaimed.
"He needs to stay away from you." They said.
"Why?" I asked.
"Because I like you." They said.
~The end~

Dun Dun Dun! Thats the ending 😪its sad. But I hope you liked this chapter.
Hades' daughter

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