4th of July🤴🏽👸🏽💍

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"Come on,Leo!" You said,pulling him outside.
"Ok,babe,ok!" Leo laughed.
Everyone was outside and ready.

Everyone sat down on the grass and watched the fireworks.
"They're so pretty." Piper said.
"Yeah,they are." You said.
A few more fireworks went.
"Ooh." Percy said.
Annabeth laughed and laid on Percy's chest.

Leo smiled at me and you smiled back.
"Here comes the suprise. " Hazel squealed.
"What suprise?" You asked.
Suddenly Leo shifted and was on one knee with a ring. Then y/f/c fireworks went off. They had the words:Marry Me?♡

You nearly passed out but kept it together.
"Yes! A million times yes!" You exclaimed,tears slipping.
Leo sliped the ring on your finger and kissed you.
"Finally!" Will exclaimed.

We sat back down and Leo pulled you into his chest. You smiled and snuggled into it.
"I love you." Leo mumbled.
"I love you ,too." You smiled.

You guys spent the rest of your day together.
~The end~

Hey guys ik this short sorry. I'm working on the premieres😉. I hope u liked this.
Hades' daughter

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