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"Hey,Y/n,Piper Mclean is having a party tonight wanna come?" My bestfriend, Kayla asked.
"Leo?" I asked.
See,we live in a world where we can say anything else but our soulmate's name until we meet them. Kayla already met her soulmate,Jennifer.
"You haven't met them yet?" Kayla asked.
I shook my head and Kayla sighed.

"Just come to the party,maybe you'll meet him there." Kayla said.
I nodded and my head and hung up the facetime.

I sighed and got ready. My big brother, Percy came in. He had already met his soulmate,Annabeth Chase.
"Hey,sis." Percy said.
I waved.
"Haven't met your soulmate yet?" Percy asked.

I sighed and nodded.
"You'll find them,sis,but where you going?" Percy asked.
I faceplamed because he knows I can't say it.
"Oh sorry,a party,right?" Percy asked.
I nodded.
"Tell mom and-" Percy said.

I nodded and walked downstairs .
"Hey,sweetie, going out?" My mom,Sally asked.
I nodded and she hugged me.
I left and went to the party.
I arrived and saw Kayla with Jennifer.
"Hi,babes." She said,hugging me.

I waved at her and Jennifer.
"Y/n,have you met your soulmate yet?" Jennifer asked.
"Leo." I said,showing that I haven't.
"You're find him ,girl." Kayla sighed.
I nodded and went to the kitchen.

I saw a mexican teenage boy with black curly hair ,brown eyes with a mischievous glint in them,a lil smirk but it had sadness in it,and more elfish features. He was scrawny but had a little bit of muscle.

I walked over to him and patted his shoulder. He looked at me,sadly.
"Hey,what's wrong?" I asked.
My eyes widened.
"Why are you so shocked?" He asked.
His eyes widened too.
"Leo?" I asked.
"Y/n?" He asked.

I think I finally found my soulmate.....
~The end~

Hey guys this is the mortal premiere. The mortal and not mortal will have different names. I hope you liked this,tho.
Hades' daughter

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