i got tagged #2

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I got tagged by my cuz:Alexxxxdf03

I got tagged by my cuz:Alexxxxdf03

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1. Nicknames: Mony,Harms,Mon Mon

2. Eye color:Hazel

3.Hair color: Black

4.I have asthma

5.Fav color; any pastels,black,and sliver

6.Fav place: In my bed

7.Fav Celeb :Andrew Davila (sry my cuz got me into him😅)

Fav Celeb :Andrew Davila (sry my cuz got me into him😅)

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8.Fav song: Do it by Chloe x Halle

9.Fav animal: Wolf

10. Fav book: The Ship of the dead,only bc Fierrochase get together 😂

Arya_7734 BadassRebel_Bookworm CedarValdez dAughter-of-poseid0n daughteroflove12 kaitlynrivers39DIUS_DOMINUS Grape_King_2007 Rick_Riordanizlife puppylove277 Potterhead207 GreyEyeAnnabeth itsyahadesgirlitsyahermesgirlPJO_HoO_ToA_Fanclub Daughter_of_water2 katnissmellark142 daisy1241grxceful-ly Nico_Di_Gaygelo

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