No! Don't leave me please!pt.3🤴🏽👸🏽⛈

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It was the fifth day on the quest. Leo and I have encountered a few monsters but we both knew the worst was yet to come.
"Y/n,wake up. We have to go!" Leo said.
I got up and looked around.
"Baby,lets go." Leo said.

I saw a Cyclops and grabbed Leo's hand. I started running. The Cyclops could've been like Tyson but nooo it had to a mean Cyclops.
"Babe,where are you going?" Leo yelled.
I pulled Leo into a store and we hide.
"Baby,look." Leo whispered,slowly.

I turned and saw two more Cyclops.
"Why?" I whispered.
"Master said,two demigods were on they way to the lands of Hatred ,where sister is!" One said.
"Yes,we feed sister the son/daughther of Hades heart then she's free!" The other said.
I looked at Leo and he had the same terrified look on his face that I had.

"I smell death." One said.
The looked our way and we gulped.
"Shit!" I exclaimed.
One came closer and I kicked it. It grabbed ny foot and flipped me on the ground.
"Ouch! Bitch that hurt!" I groaned.
I summoned Skeleton soldiers and they fought but lost.
"Thanks a lot,dad!" I said.
A flying thing hit the Cyclops and smoke came out.
"Babe,shadow travel!" Leo yelled.

I grabbed Leo's hand and we Shadow Traveled to a cave.
It had blood everywhere.
"Um i think this is the place." I said,sensing lots of deaths.
"Baby,whatever happens remember I love you and always will,ok?" Leo said,looking me in the eye.
"Leo don't talk like that." I said.

Leo smiled,sadly. I smiled back and then I saw her.
She had long black hair,blood red eyes,two black horns on the top of her head, hands with nails so long they looked like claws,she had this evil smirk on her face. Her lips were covered with blood and she had fangs just like I saw her .
"Hello,children. " She said,crackling.

Leo's nose caught on fire.
"Aww ,no hello? Well it looks like I'm gonna have to kill you quickly!" She said.
She shot some type of poison at me but Leo jumped in front of me.

Leo felt the ground with blood coming out of his mouth.
"Baby,no!" I exclaimed, bending next to him.
"Go kill her,babe." Leo said,smiling sadly.
"No,I'm not leaving you!" I cried.
"Y/n,go. The poison have 20 mins to go to my heart. Just go!" Leo said.

I nodded and and went in front of her.
"Hi,Y/n." She said,smiling evilly.
"Why are you doing this?!" I yelled in anger.
"Because you ancestors put this curse on me!" She said.
I froze for a second.
"What?" I asked.
"Yeah,I'm pretty sure you know the story.He poisoned me-" Hatred said.

I suddenly got a plan. I kept her talking to distract her and I raised the dead behind her. Apollo gave me a weapon to kill her. One of the skeletons bumped on the head and I stabbed her in the heart. She dissolved into black dust with a screeching sound.

I ran back to Leo. He only had eight more minutes. His eyes were closing.
"Hey,baby,stay with me!" I cried.
"Hey,mi amor." He said,weakly.
"Baby,stay with me ,please!" I cried.
"Y-y/n,look in my pocket." He said.

I searched in his pocket and felt something that was metal. It was a necklace with a locket.
"E-e-everytime you open it,you'll see memories of us." Leo said.
"Y-you knew this was gonna happen?" I cried.

Leo nodded,weakly. He touched my cheek.
"Hades told me.Y/n,I love you,remember that,ok? I always will and have." Leo said.
"I-I love you,too but you're not leaving me,Leo! You made a promise!" I cried.
"O-o-open t-the locket." Leo said.
I opened the locket and saw memories of us. Our first date at the beach,our sleepover in bunker nine,when Leo pranked me and dyed my hair pink.
"Y-y-y/n,I l-love you." Leo said.
"I love you,too,Leo." I said  kissing him.

His body went limp. I sensed his death.
"No,Leo!" I cried.
I hugged Leo's lifeless body,sobbing.
I shadow traveled back to camp and saw Nico. He ran to me.
"He's dead,Nico!" I cried.
"Ssh,sis/bro." Nico said,hugging you.

~At Leo's funeral ~
The funeral was so hard to be at. All the people were crying. People were saying that it should've been me and I thought that,too.
It was my turn to speak.

"Um this is very hard because Leo and I were very close." I said,taking a deep breath. "I known Leo for four years and those have been the b-best four years of my life. H-he was very funny and always knew have to cheer me up when I was upset. The moment that poison hit his body,all he told me to do was go save the world. I wished that could've been me. L-Leo was my rock and I-I don't know what I'm g-gonna do without him but what I do know is that I woll always love and that he's in elysium where he deserves to be."

I was crying, now. I sat by Nico and he held me.
It was nearly midnight and I was in bunker nine. I was wearing the necklace, Leo gave me and his toolbelt. His siblings let me keep it, considering I was closer to Leo than all of them.
I wish I could just pull him out of the toolbelt.

"Y/n." Someone said.
It sounded like Leo. Maybe I'm just hearing things.
"(Leo's nickname for you)." The person said.
Leo only calls me that. I turned around and saw Leo on an iris message.
"L-Leo?" I stuttered,feeling the tears coming.
"Aw baby don't cry." Leo said.
"I miss you ,Leo." I said,crying.

"Hades is letting me Iris message you whenever." Leo said."And I miss you,too."
"I can't do this without you  Leo." I cried.
"Baby,listen. I'm also with you in here." Leo said,pointing at his chest.
I smiled,sadly.
"Yeah." I said.
"Y/n,in the necklace is also my advice and jokes that you love from me." Leo said.
"Really?" I asked.
Leo nodded."Baby,I gotta go,I love you. And get some sleep,Nico said you havent slept in days!"
"Ok,Leo,I love you." I said.
"I'll talk to you later." Leo smiled,blowing a kiss."Mwah."
"Mwah." I said.

The Iris message ended and I smiled. I took a shower and got in bed. I opened the locket and wished for Leo to say Goodnight to me.
"Goodnight,mi amor." I heard.
I smiled and fell asleep.
~The end💘💘~

Hi,guys,I cried writing this. I really didn't want to kill Leo but I had to finish the series😭😭😭.Should I bring Leo backkk? I feel like I should bring him back bc this just feels wronggg😔😔😔. But n e ways I hope you liked it and felt the feels that I felt and cried the way I cried so we can all share our pain😪😪
Hades' daughter 😭😭😭

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