this is basically a leo x reader thing . I know this may flop but give it a try?😂You can give me requests if you one a specific thing😆. Also I do not I repeat do not own anything from PJO,HoO,orToA!!!!
Ps. Some of the oneshots and preferences are...
"Leoooo,look at the shoessss." You said. You were looking at baby shoes and ofc you got baby fever. But even worse you were on your period. "Y/n, stop looking at baby shit." Leo groaned. "But they're so cutteeeee." You squealed. "Oh gods."Leo groaned,taking a sip of his water. "Babeeeeee,can we have a baby?" You asked.
Leo nearly choked on his water. Did he wanna have a baby with you? In the future yes, right now, no. Both of you were only 19,you needed to explore your life and live before you two settled down. "Babygirl, not now. We still have a lot to discover before we start to settle down." Leo said. "So,you don't want to have a baby with me?" You asked,getting teary eyed.
Leo sighed and sat in the bed with you. "Mi reina,thats not what I said. I would love to have a child with you. Its just that we're so young babe." Leo explained. "Fine! I'm going to sleep!" You huffed. "Babe." Leo said.
You ingored him and fell asleep.
The next morning, you woke up to someone or something licking your face. You opened your eyes. "What the - Oh my gods ,its a husky!" You said. "Yeah,I figured since we're too young to have a baby,I'll get you your dream dog." Leo smiled.
The husky looked like this v
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"Its soooo cuteeee. Is it a boy or girl?" You asked scratching the puppy behind their ear. "Its a boy." Leo said. "Lets name it,Malik!" You said. "Ok,babe." Leo said."Can I get a kiss?" "Noooo my kisses are for Malik! But thank youuu." You said. "I knew I shouldn't have got that dog!" Leo mumbled.
"Who's a cutie? You areeee." You cooed. Malik woofed and it sounded so cute. "My babyyyyyy." You cooed. "No,I'm your baby!" Leo pouted. "Yeah you are." You said,kissing Leo. He smiled so widely. ~The end 🐺🐺~
Hey guys, I hope you liked this. If a husky isn't your dream dog i sowy🥺🥺.