Chapter 18: TACO BELL!!!

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Vylad's PoV

"Dante..." I sighed

"What's this about Dante hm?" Aphmau said walking over to my bed

"N-n-nothing!" I stuttered, my face heating up

"Ummm so are you two a thingggg?" Aphmau teased

"N-no, well yess! B-but you can't tell anyone y-yet," I said, nervously

"That's great Vylad!" She exclaimed pulling me into a hug

"Y-yeah," i sighed

"Don't worry, I promise I won't tell anyone," she said giggling, releasing me from her grasp

"Thanks," I said

"Anyway I need to get back to Zane," she said

"Wait Zane's here?" I asked

"Yeah, me and him had a sleepover last night!" She explained

"Oh ok, well tell him I said hi," I said

"Will do!" She exclaimed running out of my room

I sighed.

I wonder what Dantes doing.

Dante's PoV

"TACO BELLLLLLLLL!!!!!!" Travis's shouted, as we approached it with my car

" my Irene, calm down Travis!" I shouted waking him around the head, once we parked

"Ow! How dare you tell me to be calm around my love!" He exclaimed

"I'm not taking you inside if you're gonna act like this," I sighed

"I won't, I won't, I promise dad!" He begged

"Fine," I rolled my eyes and got out the car

Travis got out of the car too and ran towards the entrance exited, I followed soon after locking my car.

"You're way too excited about this," I said looking him in the eyes

"I LOVE TACO BELL!" He shouted

I walked away before we got weird stares.

"Travis calm down," I whispered

"Fineeeeee," he said

We ordered what we wanted and sat at a table by the window.

A few minutes later our number got called and I went up to get our food.

"So Travis how have you been?" I asked him as I sat back down with our food

"Good," he says, excitingly grabbing the food, "what have you been up to?"

"Oh nothing much," I said, then I remembered that me and Vylad started dating and my face turned slightly red

"Oooooo what happened?" Travis questioned, smirking

"I'll tell you if you promise not to tell anyone," I said, looking him in the eyes

"Of corse not Dane, you're my best friend I wouldn't do anything like that against your will," Travis said

I smiled at him.

"Well um, fine me and Vylad started dating," I said

"Really!" He gasped

"Y-yeah, keep it down" I said

"Sorry, but thats great Dante!" He exclaimed

"Yeah, it would be even better if I knew Garroth wasn't going to kill me," I sighed

"Well, at least you found someone to love you," he sighed

"Well then, what's going on with your life?" I asked

"Well, I think I'm in love," he said

"With who?" I asked


"Cmon, you gotta tell me now," I said

"Yeah, but I don't think he'll ever like me back," he sighed again

"So it's a boy?" I asked

"Y-yeah," he answered

"Is it, Garroth?" I asked




"Um me?"

"Definitely Not,"

"Hey!" I exclaimed

He started laughing, but I carried on asking questions


"No, plus he's yours,"

I thought for a bit, who else could he possibly like?

Then I remembered a certain emo nugget, living on the same street as us.

" Zane?" I asked

I watched as his face turned bright red and I smirked knowing I'm right.

"Don't worry I won't tell anyone," I reassured him

" thanks," he said

Once we finished eating we got back into my car and I drove us home.

Him...( an Aphmau fanfic about Garrance, Zanevis and Vylante)Where stories live. Discover now