Chapter 37: coming out

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Vylad's PoV

I took a deep breath, and nervously looked at my parents.

The room fell silent and I was scared.

What if they don't accept me?

I took another deep breath and opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out.

I could feel myself starting to shake slightly.

"Are you okay?" My mom asked

I looked down at my feet.

I slowly turned my head to look at my brothers.

Garroth looked at me.

"Do you want me to go first?" he asked

I smiled weakly and shook my head, then turned back to my parents.

Even if they don't accept me I'll still have Dante, my brothers and all my friends.


"Mom, dad........" I finally managed to say something

They looked at me and remained silent waiting for me to say something.

"I-I'," I said, nervously

"What?" My dad asked

"I'm u-um gay," I repeated

My dad started at me with a blank expression.

"That's great pea!" My mom exclaimed

I let out a nervous laugh as I looked at my feet.

My dad didn't say anything to me, instead he turned to Garroth.

"What about you Gar?" He asked

"O-oh me?" Garroth asked stupidly

"who else?" My dad said

"Oh um... what do you wanna know about me?" He asked another stupid question

"Do you like anyone?" My dad questioned

"Maybe," Garroth said

Garroth's PoV

I kept saying things to try and avoid the main question.

I know I'm going to have to tell them, but the problem was I didn't know how to tell them.

Do I just straight up say it?

"It's a yes or no question Gar," my dad said

"O-oh is it?" I asked

"Yes, and I would like an answer," he said

"Okay....what was the question again?" I asked

"Do you like anyone?" He asked, again

"Oh, Yes," I said

"Who?" He questioned

I remained silent trying to think of a way to tell them.

"Gar?" My mom said, breaking the silence

"O-oh ummmmm..." I trailed off

"Is it a girl or a boy?" She asked

"A............boy" I said quietly

"So you're telling me two of my sons are gay?" My dad said

I hesitantly nodded

"Actually....." Zane finally started to say something after staying silent this whole time

"What?" My dad asked

Zane's PoV

I had no clue what I was thinking, but I guess I have to go through with it now.

I looked at my parents and sighed.

"Three of your sons are gay," I said

Everyone looked at me in shock, as I stood there slightly regretting my decision to say that.

All of a sudden very loud squealing was heard.

I looked at my mom who was squealing and waving her arms like a mad woman.

She pulled us all into a giant hug and squeezed us tightly.

I guess she's happy.

"Alright zianna, I think we need to go outside for a few minutes," my dad.... laughed?

He grabbed her and pushed her out the front door, before she could say anything.

Before he walked out with her, he turned to face me, Garroth and Vylad.

He gave us a smile then he walked out.

He's not mad?

My thoughts were cut off by another giant hug and I looked up to see Garroth.

"Garroth! Get off me!" I shouted

"You let mom hug you," he said

"That's different!" I shouted louder

"Aww come on zuzu," He teased

"Shut up..." I sighed

I felt a smaller pair of arms wrap around me, as well as Garroths.

I turned my head to see Vylad.

Unlike Garroths hugs, which almost suffocates you, Vylad's hugs were gentle.

"Zane?" Vylad said

"What?" I asked

"Are you actually?" He asked

"Am I actually what?" I questioned

"Are you actually gay?" He repeated

".......yes," i said, looking at my feet

"I never thought you would've be gay," Garroth said

"Well I am, so shut it!" I shouted

"Who do you like?" He asked, ignoring what I previously said

"Non of your business!" I Yelled

"Nah, I bet he likes Travis," Vylad laughed

I felt my face instantly heat up at the mention of Travis's name.

"Shut up!" I shouted one last time

"Aww look his face is turning red," Garroth teased

As I was about to say something, our parents walk back into the house.

I again looked at our dad, who still didn't seem mad, in fact he seemed happy.

For the rest of the night, we continue to talk and catch up.

Until it got late and our parents soon had to leave.

Him...( an Aphmau fanfic about Garrance, Zanevis and Vylante)Where stories live. Discover now