Chapter 34: the morning before the visit

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Laurance's PoV

I woke up, to the light seeping in through the windows, a few chirps could be heard.

It was a very cold morning, the air flooding in through the open window didn't help. it looked gloomy outside and like it had just stopped raining.

Another thing I noticed was that I was in Garroth's room.

"Morning sleepy head," a soft voice came from the open door

Which I could recognise as Garroth's.

"Morning," I yawned

I sat up, pushing the blankets off of me, causing me to shiver as more cold air hit my skin.

"Cold?" He asked me

I nodded, yawning once again.

I heard slow footsteps walk over to the bed and Garroth sat next to me.

His arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer to his body and warming up mine.

"Cmon I made breakfast," he whispered in my ear, sending chills down my spine

I stood up and walked downstairs, my hand locked with Garroth's.

We sat down and began eating.

"So um, my parents are coming today," Garroth started

"Oh," I said

"Y-yeah," he replied

"It'll be okay Gar," I reassured him

"But what if-"

I cut him off by kissing him on the lips.

"you'll still have me," I said

He smiled softly then pulled me into another kiss.

Zane's PoV

I woke up in an unfamiliar room, which I soon recognised as Travis's.

I started to panic and quickly sat up, but as quick as I sat up the quicker i was pulled back down.

"Noooooo," I heard a muffled mumble

I looked over to see Travis.

"Travis let go," I said trying to push him off

He had a very strong grip around my waist.

"Whyyyyyy," he whined

"because I said so, now let go," I whisper shouted

"But I don't wanna," he continued to whine

"Why," I said, annoyed

"Because it cold and you warm and me wanna cuddle ZuZu," he mumbled, clearly too tired to speak in a full sentence

"Taco's" I said

"Where!" He jumped up quickly, pushing me off of the bed and onto the floor, making a loud thud sound

"Ow," I laughed slightly

Zane!" He exclaimed

I felt myself being picked up and I was put back on the bed.

Travis was on top of me checking if i was hurt.

"Travis I'm fine," I said

He hugged me tightly.

"Sowwy sowwy sowwy sowwy!" He repeatedly said

"Travis," I said lifting his chin so he would look at me

I was going to say something but I got too lost in his beautiful green eyes, so lost that I didn't care that I was staring.

"Like what you see," Travis smirked

"N-no!" I quickly looked away, blushing madly

I knew he could see my whole face since I had no mask on, which made me blush even more.

Travis laughed and got off of me, helping me to sit up too.

"Wanna go get something to eat?" He asked

I nodded then followed him upstairs.

Vylad's PoV

I woke up in Dante's arms. I couldn't help but just stare at him.

Soon Dante started to stir awake and I quickly closed my eyes, pretending to be asleep.

Dante didn't move, but he sat there playing with my hair.

Then I heard him mumble something under his breath.

"What was that?" I asked still not opening my eyes

"oh you're awake," he said

"No," I replied

I felt Dante's soft lips touch my forehead, as a slight blush covered my face.

I opened my eyes to look at him. His warm smile melted my heart like always.

I sat up and stretched, yawning. I heard Dante yawn too.

I giggled

"What?" Dante asked

"You're cute," I said, resting my head on his shoulder

"Hey, that's my line," he giggled

"Guess I stole it," I giggled again

"Guess I have to steal something of yours now," he said

"like what?" I asked

"Your virginity," he smirked

My face turned bright red.

"Nope!" I shouted running out the room as fast as sonic

I heard him laughing behind me, but I continued to run.

Him...( an Aphmau fanfic about Garrance, Zanevis and Vylante)Where stories live. Discover now