The Yule Ball

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  He leaned against the wall facing the grand staircase. His long black velvet dress robes and platinum-blonde hair only complimented his chiseled face. He wore a stern look on his face, quite on the contrary to the rest of his surroundings.

He had great pressure on his shoulders. He couldn't help but think about the plans his father had for his future. He felt the pressure of having to keep up his act of the mean pure blood, of staying true to the qualities of a hardcore slytherin, of still keeping his grades up and handle all that with him knowing his impending future of becoming a death eater. Oh! How he dreaded those two words. He was not exactly 'ecstatic' of being a mere puppet of YOU-KNOW-WHO. He felt weak but his face displayed not even the slightest of vulnerability-just as he was taught to. He had become much more mature this year and unsure of his future.
Draco Malfoy was unsure.

Suddenly his many thoughts were interrupted when he heard a muffled row. Annoyed,he looked up to see what all the chaos was about. And little did he know that what caught his attention was not going to leave his mind in the near future.

He saw Hermione Granger standing at the top of the grand staircase wearing a stunning pink dress with hair propped up in something that seemed to be a bun with curly strands falling and resting so perfectly on her shoulders. She walked down so gracefully down the staircase - tall and bold.

For a second Draco felt an extinguished flame ignite in him. All his troubles, for a fleeting second, went away as his jaw dropped looking at the sight in front of him. 'Man, is she beautiful!' he thought. But he was forced to scoop his jaw off the floor when he saw her place her hand in Victor Krum's hand.

He soon realised he had called granger beautiful! What was wrong with him. Though he was always intrigued by her chocolate brown eyes and bushy brown hair, he never admitted it to himself that he found her beautiful.

He couldn't help but feel slightly agonised watching Krum stroll along Hermione towards the dance floor. But why?

When all the couples were summoned to the dance floor he remembered he too had a date...... Pansy Parkinson....what luck. 'Whatever Pansy had applied on her face had made her cheeks permanently blush and her eyes pop out'he thought.

His gaze, even at the dance floor, followed the smile of that one Gryffindor girl he had pestered all these years. She did not seem to be burdened by her life. The smile on her face was so contagious that he grinned every time he saw her.

Author's note
Thanks guys for reading.

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