Blue bird

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The sky blue bird flew around the cabinet, in lively spirit, and landed on Draco's finger. The room of requirement echoed with sweet chirping . The bird reminded him of Hermione, her warmth and his love for her.

He placed it inside the cabinet.

"Harmonia Nectere Passus. Harmonia Nectere Passus. Harmonia Nectere Passus" Draco repeated the spell. The chirping stopped. He could no longer hear his heart beat. His trembling hands hovered over the cabinet handle. He opened it.

The blue bird lay right there. DEAD. Cold and devoid of any spirit.

Draco collapsed on the ground below him. Tears burned his numb cheeks. Now all that the room was filled with were loud sobs .

'If I go through with this, so many innocents will share the same fate as that bird. And it'll be my fault ' he sobbed. Now he wanted to forget about all this, maybe just for an hour but just feel carefree. He required a drink. And well you don't call it the room of requirement for nothing. Just as the thought left his mind, two bottles of firewhiskey materialised from thin air, right in front of him.


It was 10 at night when the door of the room of requirement opened . Someone made their way through the clutter to an unresponsive figure huddled on the floor.

"Draco? Draco! What happened!" Hermione screamed. Her questions were soon answered when she saw two empty bottles of firewhiskey lying beside him. " You stupid, stupid boy. Where did you get those?"

"They walk-walked up to me"he answered through his befuddled state.

Well right now, she felt stupid for expecting a sane answer from him.

He reached for one of bottles, " No! You're not having anymore of that vile drink." Hermione scolded, and put the bottles out of his reach.

"I want that" he said childishly

"They're not good for you"she said rather motherly.

He looked at her with carefree, dilated eyes. , "You're beautiful"he said amorously watching her.

She blushed furiously, " You're really not yourself. But I think I like this Draco more than previous one " she laughed at his intoxicated persona. She had to stay here till he sobered up. 'Who knows what he'll do' she thought.

She sat down alongside him. He looked at her and smiled. She smiled back.

"Will you be my friend?" he said foolishly, absolutely not himself.

"Sure Draco I'll be your friend"she said as she placed her head on his shoulder. Something she couldn't do when he was sober and not in love with her as she was with him.

"It'll all be my fault." He said grimly, breaking the prolonged silence.

"what will be your fault?"she asked concerned

"They'll all die. He'll kill them all. She'll die too" he said to himself

"Who'll die....who'll kill them!?"

"He'll make me do it and I won't have a choice. It will happen soon. My only other home will fall "tears welling up his eyes

"What are you saying? Draco, what's wrong with you?"she shook him to no avail

"And she'll die with them. My true friend .I love her but she will never love me back. She hates me. I'm awful. But I love her and she'll never know."

"You Lo-love someone else." Her head hung low in sadness .Her broken heart shattered to bits. Love was clearly not her cup of tea. Every time she fell for a boy, he'd fall for someone else . Love was complicated, but her books- not so much. No wonder she preferred books over boys.

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