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       ".....As I stand, looking out upon you all tonight, I am reminded of a sobering fact . Every day, every hour, this very minute, dark forces attempt to penetrate this castle's walls. In the end, their greatest weapon is you. That's something to think about. Now off to bed pip-pip" with this, Dumbledore ended his contrite speech.

'Their greatest weapon is you' these words echoed in his mind. Not a muscle had moved, not a word had left his mouth since Dumbledore's speech.

The first person Draco had seen on entering the great hall was the old, revered headmaster . If someone said he had been burdened during fourth year, then right now, it was like a piano had fallen on his head.

Draco hardly ate any food. His blank face rested on his cupped palm and his eyes only stared into oblivion. He didn't look at anyone, just thought. Until, he glanced at her.

Bold but worried-that was what her face reflected. Hermione sat only a table away from him. The girl with whom he'd so blindly fallen in love with. He'd thought of her day in and day out and about how stupid he was to even consider her loving him back. 'And after what I will have to do......' he thought.

(On the Hogwarts express)

"Hermione you saw it. It was an initiation. He's one of them!"

" Harry, I don't know what I saw. He wouldn't do something like that, I'm sure. He won't join them, I know it"

" What?who joins whom? Care to tell me what this is about?"Ron inquired his two best friends.

"Harry here thinks that Draco has become a-a death eater."

"Well it runs in the family, doesn't it" Ron commented which invited a jab in the arm from Hermione.

"He may have been a ferret to you guys. And me " she quickly added, " but accusing someone and that too a boy our age, of doing something this crazy, it's just-crazy."

"I got to get some fresh air" said Harry, grabbing something and leaving the compartment.


'There's no time for love and these stupid feelings. I've got to do what I've got to do, to save my parents, the only people who'll ever love me back. I'll just have to ignore her. Make her hate me.....again' thought Draco. His words broke his heart 'make her hate me? But I love her......that's why I've got to make her hate me. I'll protect her even if i have to protect her from me' these were the thoughts that hollowed him out at night.

True to his word, Draco ignored Hermione. Her hidden smiles and waves, her worried glances even. He had a hunch Potter knew about his job status which means she did too.

He had crumpled the chit left on his potions book. His action visible to the sender. It said -
Astronomy tower tonight?

Well, that made Hermione believe what Harry said, just a little .


"Excuse me, Harry. I've got to go vomit." Hermione said, having witnessed an absolutely revolting sight. There he was, her first love , her best friend, snogging another girl in the hallway.

She left Harry. Walked briskly, looking down, towards the one place where she knew no one would go- the first floor girls bathroom.

'I will not shed a tear here. Not in front of anyone. Moaning myrtle doesn't count. No one listens to her as it is.' Hermione thought. As she was nearing the bathroom, tears flowed down her cheeks, she knew no one was around. She was turning around the bend when suddenly - BANG. She hit something and fell to the floor.
Draco set out to do YOU-KNOW-WHO'S dirty work. He devised a route from the dungeons to the seventh floor, a route where he was less likely to be spotted.

The Crimson Rose-A Dramione FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now