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      With red bulging eyes perched on dark circles  and a murderous look on the face , Malfoy stormed out of the Slytherin common room , leaving behind an alarmed Crabbe who had been sitting on a couch , until then , satisfied with his full stomach .

         He was off to breakfast , drained from overthinking . He was furious , he hadn't slept at all . All the rest he did get felt like freaking five minutes until he was told Goyle that he had overslept.

       Granger had done something to him and by now he hated it. He hardly got some shut-eye the night before.His mind only replayed the entire chat he had had with Hermione. Her hug was one which he remembered most prominently. He knew thinking about her wouldn't get him anywhere but her words kept on repeating in his head,  'What I've learned so far is that listening to your heart will always make you happy'. He was listening to his heart and it only spoke of her, he was happy but it only angered him more. Now he was even more at war with himself .
The entire night he had only tossed and turned. He had been thinking of her and trying not to at the same time . It was driving him crazy.

         He entered the great hall shoving his hands into his pockets . He had knocked over two Slytherin first years as he marched down to his usual spot on the Slytherin table . He sat down with his plate in front of him, a knife in one hand and a fork in the other. He was so angry it seemed he could've killed anyone.

         Theodore Nott, Daphne Greengrass and Blaise Zabini who had been sitting there scooted away very slowly from him, out of his view. What this did was give Draco a clear view of the one who had driven him crazy.
       Hermione was sitting at the Gryffindor table along with Harry currently not talking too an equally pissed off Ron. But something was up. She wasn't only ignoring Ron because she was angry but because she was daydreaming. She seemed lost, something she generally wasn't.

           Draco looked at her. Her beautiful smile. Her glowing eyes, her brown hair - a little tamed now. She seemed to have slept well. Looking at her had cooled him down. But thinking about her only exasperated him.

       The constant war he had been with himself left a very threatening look on his face unware he was staring straight at her. Obviously it was then that she had to look at him and well her uneasiness was quite evident. Her smile disappeared, her eyes widened in bewildered horror. Even with her limited experience with basilisks she was sure hadn't been given such a look before. She slowly sank down turning her gaze away.

' What's wrong with him! Well he's probably woken up to the fact a mudblood talked and hugged him. Did I make a mistake. Yep a big one too. What was I thinking , he hasn't changed. He's probably plotting to kill me .' Hermione thought with mixed emotions of sadness , confusion and regret .

    Hermione looked at Draco during classes. He had cooled down by now . She even smiled at him when no one was looking, but he ignored her .

  When Harry and Hermione were going into the library they were stopped by Draco with his two goons following close behind . Draco scowled, " Potter! Seems like you're going to transfigure yourself into a book and tell Granger here to put you on a shelf  so you won't have to compete in the tournament."

Harry was too exhausted so he just turned around to enter the library .

"Oh so I guessed right. You're scared potter" Draco snickered . Harry was triggered . He took out his wand and pointed it out at Draco. Draco backed away and took his wand out and pointed it  Harry.

"Stop!" Hermione shrieked coming in between the two boys.

" Move aside you, mudblood"Draco spat. Hermione turned to face him , wide-eyed . Her eyes reflecting horror and hurt. For a second she thought she saw hurt in his eyes too but one glance at Harry and his grey eyes only screamed of anger.

She turned to Harry and said, "Harry just let it be . You have enough problems in your life , there's no need for another". At this Harry lowered his wand.

" What now, being saved by a mudblood" Draco scoffed. Hermione looked at him with watery eyes. She was going to cry. Calling her mudblood once hurt her , a second time wounded her . Draco now felt guilty and cursed himself for saying it again.

    Harry tightly held her hand and said , " Shut up Malfoy". With that they both turned around and walked into the library. Draco was hurt, regretful and now jealous. 'How dare he hold her hand.....ugh! Seriously, shut up Malfoy. It doesn't matter if he holds her hand.....but it does'


       The Triwizard tournament had ended. There were only two weeks more of school left . Hermione had forgotten all about Draco . More thrilling things had happened than the night of the Yule ball. However, the same was not to say for Draco . After that night he had so longed to talk to her again. She had listened to what he had to say and hadn't used any of it against him . He was grateful. He wanted to apologise and just wanted to see her smile at him once more. But how? Suddenly a brilliant idea struck him.

Author's Note
Thanks guys for reading. I know there was less dramione action. Forgive me. This is the first story I've ever published , so bear with me . I'll really appreciate if you all could tell me how I'm doing in the comments.
Update coming soon:)

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