The Room Of Requirement

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Draco saw his friend enter the room of requirement. He saw how enthralled she was when she walked through the flowery path he had made . Her amazement gave him a sense of pride.

The room of requirement had turned into an in-house garden. He conjured up a bed of the most beautiful flowers. There were roses , daisies, lilies ,orchids and flowers of all colours and sizes. But he had made sure that the path that led to the open space for them to sit, was lined with her favourites-crimson roses.

Hermione walked through the narrow path. Awestruck by the burst of colours and lovely fragrance. She was greeted by yet another flower hovering over the right hand of her blonde companion.

"This is amazing!! How did you do this? It's so......beautiful"she squealed in excitement. He watched her, suddenly feeling weak at his knees . Her smile softened his stone cold persona. He saw how she looked even more breathtaking than the garden and sighed "yeah" .

"Yeah? What's up with you?" She questioned the dazed boy now in front of her.

"Huh? Nothing I was just saying...uh..uh ....I know the garden's awesome...after all I made it." He said faking pride , hoping she didn't notice his blunder.
She only chuckled at his statement and resumed gaping at her surroundings.
"It's so weird. I'd never thought I'd willingly be in the same room as you let alone talk to you." Said Hermione as she plucked on the grass.

"Do you approve of it?"

"My former self wouldn't have but I know not to judge a book by its cover . And I think the book isn't that bad after all, just a little rough around the edges." She smiled

"Well it's good then that you begged to become my friend"he smirked

"If I remember correctly it was you who was begging me 'Oh Granger! I really need to talk to you' "she mocked

"But it was you who couldn't say no to this devilishly handsome face"

"Oh shut up"she threw a handful of grass at him

"So have I redeemed myself then?"

"Maybe" she said playfully. But something seemed to bother her. 'What would Harry and Ron think if I told them I've been hanging out with DRACO MALFOY'

For some strange reason Draco and Hermione could talk for hours on end about random topics but still not get bored. They would talk , banter or simply read a books and exchange casual glances. But for Draco these casual glances had become something more. She brought positivity in his dull life. He looked forward to meeting her . 'How unlike a MALFOY' he would think.
"Mr.Malfoy, may I speak with you?"professor Mcgonagall told Draco from her desk

Draco gestured Crabbe and Blaise to go on without him. "Yes professor"professor Mcgonagall was one teacher he respected besides Snape.

"Your essay on spells and incantations is most impressive. I noticed you included this spell called 'Flosamores' if I'm not wrong?"

"Yes Professor"

"I don't think we've ever briefed you about this at Hogwarts. This spell is in only one book which is in the restricted section of the library. How is it that you've come across it?" She asked sternly.

"I haven't gone to the restricted section!um professor"he raised his voice but reduced it seeing Mcgonagall's wide eyes, " I learnt it from my father when I was very young"

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