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     Draco and Hermione had grown quite close in the remaining two weeks of school last year. No one knew about their secret meetings. They both hid it well. Draco had stopped calling Hermione names but unfortunately he didn't treat Harry and Ron the same way. In his defence he had promised to Hermione only . Hermione was okay with it, however preferred if he wouldn't pick on her friends.

      The two had talked about school, classes, things going on in the ministry of magic and so on. They even helped each other study and to Hermione's surprise Draco was actually brilliant. He helped her with astronomy and she helped him in charms. They would do their homework together. They both kept some homework aside only to do it in the night with the other. It seemed weird but the homework prevented them from talking about their Slytherin and Gryffindor friends.

  Their last meeting had been the most interesting so far.

(The night of their last meeting)
     Hermione and Draco had met at the same place same time , under the stars . Hermione was sitting in cross legs, with a dairy on her lap , across Draco who had stretched his legs straight out and leaned against a wall facing her. They had decided to do something fun before going home the next day.
      Hermione suggested, " Okay, so let's play a game." She continued seeing Draco's head nod in approval "So each of us will get a total of four chances. In each chance we have to choose a spell that we think the other won't know. If the spell you choose is unknown to the other person then you get a point"

"I don't think there is spell that you won't know of" Draco sneered.

"Well then should I consider myself the winner?" Hermione joked.

"I said I don't think. It could be on this rare occasion that I'm wrong"

"Ok so let's begin. I'll go first" Hermione bit the corner of her lip . Thought for a few seconds and said, " I think I've got it" she smirked and pulled out quill and pointed her wand at it, "I know a spell that can duplicate objects. It's called Gem-"

"Gemino!" Draco finished her sentence before she could and stated complacently " I know that Granger, I thought this game would be harder". Hermione huffed at his statement and cast Gemino at her quill and handed the duplicate to Draco.

"What?" He asked.

" Well you had given me a quill once if you remember . I still have it . It's only fitting that I return the favour, so here keep it" Draco stared at the quill in slight bewilderment but shrugged it off as quickly it had come. 'She still has it!'he thought.

" I guess it's my chance then. Langlock" he looked at her with an obvious smirk that said 'you obviously don't know this'. She shifted her weight from side to side while her compadre watched in amusement.
"It's a rather unorthodox incantation that causes one's tongue to affix to the roof of their mouth. It's perfect to use when a certain bushy haired girl starts talking too much."

     Hermione, out of habit had opened up her diary and had started noting down as he spoke. It took her a moment to realise what he had said . She faked her anger and tried to hit him with her diary but he dodged by standing up and striding away from where she had got up to run after him. He hid behind ginormous telescope. He peeked from the side only to see no one there . The moment he turned, his feet got tangled into something and felt the floor being swept away from him as something heavy fell with him on the ground. He couldn't see what it was because his view was blocked by..... 'hair?.....oh'

  "This is for calling me talkative and this is for calling my hair bushy!They aren't so bushy" she said giving him two jabs on his chest all the while she was on him. Caught in the moment both of them were laughing. Their laughter died slowly accompanied by two pairs of eyes gazing into each other. The eyes emitting warmth and a little bit of something else, something special.

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