A Note

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The last two weeks of school were still standing like barriers between the students and their deeply longed holidays . The teachers had decided to cram just a little more information into the brains of their students before sending them home. Not that Hermione minded neither did Draco , but for a whole other reason.

Hermione strolled out of the dark potions room , satisfied with her day's study. She left the last class for the day and entered a corridor no less darker than the room she had just exited. She was holding her books up against her chest . The corridor was empty with a few students here and there.

She was looking down when someone bumped right into her. All her books fell from her hand .
"Sorry, I didn't see-oh it's you" she said, her once apologetic tone now curt. Her gaze followed the blonde head as he stooped down to pick up her books . She quickly bent down to pick her stuff herself . She didn't want or need his help but it was of no avail . She only got to pick one book up.

They both stood up . He handed her the books but held on to her quill. He stared at it.
She still uses it. He was touched. He looked at her with an award winning Malfoy smirk and put the quill and a crumpled paper on the pile of books she was holding.

She felt weak at her knees when he smirked at her but shrugged off that waste of a feeling. He had crossed her when she noticed a crumpled paper that wasn't hers . She looked behind to see if he was still there or not. He wasn't. She opened it.

Please meet me in the astronomy tower at 11 tonight . I really need to talk to you.

'Should I go or should I not?' Hermione asked herself what now seemed like the millionth time. She was lying on her bed . Common sense said she obviously shouldn't go , but it does seem he's telling the truth. He even said please , that's an improvement isn't it.

' He's called me after curfew. How will I even go ? Just this once maybe .' Hermione thought laying on the bed of her dormitory. It was 10:40 now. Her roommates had dosed off a long time ago. After enough discussion with herself she decided what to do.


Draco stared at the sky with a solemn look. The absence of the moon made the sky light up with stars . He had sat on the floor at the far end of the astronomy tower for half an hour now , thoughts rushing through his head -'will she come? What will I say to her ? Will she forgive me ?' He looked at the time , it was 11:20. ' She's obviously not gonna come with the way I treated her . I'm such a fool.' Disappointed he got up wearily and began walking away when he heard a whisper.

"Psst , psst hey"

He turned around to see bright brown eyes staring straight at him. He was ecstatic , 'She came!'. His elation had no bounds not even on his expression. His eyes wide from joy and he smiled cheek to cheek.

" You came!" he exclaimed , loud enough for his voice to echo . Hermione quickly put one hand on his mouth and held his hand with the other . She pulled him into the shadows; a nook formed by two adjacent pillars . She cautiously jerked her head outward to see if anyone was coming. After at least a minute she turned , relieved that no one had heard Draco. To her surprise she saw his smirking face only inches away from hers, his eyes had a mischievous glint in them. She nodded at him in a little anger and confusion as if asking 'What's wrong with you?'.

His gaze slowly went towards his hand and she followed his gaze to see that she had tightly gripped his hands. She quickly left his hand and jerked back hitting the wall . As if the wall had wanted to embarrass her even more , she got pushed right into Draco her lips only brushing his cheeks. Her face was now a flaming red. She straightened herself and without another glance at him walked out of the small nook , preserving the dignity she had left. Well, much wasn't left , she guessed when she heard loud laughter coming from her companion.

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