Fifth Year

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    Back to Hogwarts for a new year. Hardly did anyone know that it was going to be ONE LONG YEAR.

    At their first meeting this year Draco had greeted Hermione with a Crimson rose floating above his hand. Hermione had been able to restrain a blush when she saw him as now it was preserved for a certain Weaseley.

  "So how were your holidays?" Draco asked.

" Well good enough. There's always action when your best friend is the chosen one" she said flatly. However, Draco cringed at the term Chosen one. He always felt agonised of the little importance he'd been given compared to Harry Potter. And now a wave of sorrow had passed his mind when he heard that Harry was Hermione's best friend. He'd wanted to be her best friend but after all those bad things he'd done to her, he was grateful to her to give him a chance. Yet, it hurt him. He didn't know why

" How were yours ?" She asked

"Great. I was busy studying. Hoping to surpass the topper of our year." he joked thinking about how on the contrary his holidays were. All he'd done was listen to his father repeat on and on about the Dark Lord's plans and that he hopes for Draco to join their grand plans next year. Draco would have loved to replace that with loads of studies anytime.
Umbridge's Reign

Dear mother,
All is well at Hogwarts. I Hope same is the case at the manor.People are against potter, just like father had predicted. The ministry has been in full action here. I however wish not to be part of the pink cat lady's inquisitorial squad. It does not really matter what potter and his friends do , they won't be able to stop the 'grand plans' as it is. I hope you can convince father to let me not join the squad I've got to concentrate on my O.W.L.S this year.
With love,

Draco sealed the letter in an envelope and sent it with his owl. He sat down alone in his dormitory, just thinking. He thought about all the wrong things that were happening, about all the wrong choices he'd made or what he was forced to make at least. Only grim thoughts penetrated his mind until the image of her came into his mind. He'd smile every time he thought of her. It was so weird for him. He never understood why he did that but well, listening to your heart does make you happy doesn't it.

Draco and Hermione had stopped meeting up thanks to the pink cat lady. Oh! how he'd missed spending time with her.


Dear Draco,
I'm glad to hear from you. Me as well as your father are fine. Your father demands that you join squad and I have failed to convince him otherwise. He says it will make us look less suspicious in the eyes of the Ministry. He would also like you to make your involvement believable. And please address her as 'professor' , it isn't good manners Draco, to call your elders names . And as for your O.W.L's , you're smart enough to get an E for sure.
With Love ,

" Ugh! Now I've got to join that stupid squad and make it believable. What are you two laughing at. To make it believable I obviously need you two to join too. Well, that is, if you're accepted." Draco spat at Crabbe and Goyle who had been laughing at his misfortune.


"There's the wall! That's where they disappear every time."shouted Goyle while being followed by Filch, Umbridge , Cho and the entire inquisitorial squad. Draco was dragging Cho while he ran with the others.

"I'll make short work of this. Bombard Maxima!"screeched Umbridge, in her toad like voice.

Draco pulled Cho into view of Dumbledore's army. He was smirking and was rather thrilled by all the running. His gaze suddenly fell on Hermione and his smirk fled to somewhere on the moon's dark side.

The Crimson Rose-A Dramione FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now