Chapter 1

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So I got inspiration from this one TikTok video to even think about that stuff. And as I searched through different fanfictions, I noticed that all of those kind were kinda short. So I decided to make my own story with more details and character backgrounds! And I hope you enjoy it! English is not my first language so sorry for all grammar mistakes I make!

You slowly opened your eyes only to squint them back together as the sunlight was blinding you. What did happen? You didn't remember falling asleep.

Bit by bit you could hear faint voices in the background becoming louder and louder. Murmuring, shouting. But you couldn't understand what they were saying. Were you in your room? No, there wouldn't be so many people in your apartment. Why? Slowly you tried to sit up and open your eyes again. A sharp pain in your head took you off guard and you let out a small hiss as you pressed a hand against your forehead. Jeez, that was the worst headache in your life.

When the pain numbed you looked around and noticed you were surrounded by a crowd of people staring at you, fear and distrust glittering in their eyes. For whatever reason, you only noticed then that everyone was wearing...not so modern clothes. Simple shirts, pants, and skirts made out of cotton or wool, ponchos, and sandals. And all the women had huge earrings in all different colors. You never saw earrings that big, except for those hoops, girls wore to clubs sometimes.

So what did happen? Did you just land on a historical film set? Unsure of what to do you and your weird brain coming up with the worst things at the worst time you just said: "Uhhhh I live heeere?" (If you know that TikTok I love you)

Instantly the crowd started whispering again, clearly avoiding talking to you (obviously why). You heard one voice talking louder than the others. "Pacha, you talk to her, you're the village leader."

Village leader? What kind of game was that? Shouldn't it be the director on a film set? Or security? You slowly stood up and as everyone backed up a bit, as if you might attack them, you frowned.

Suddenly a big guy stepped through the crowd. He eyed you as questions after question popped up in his head and he had a hard time picking the first one out.

You knew him! It was Pacha! That Pacha! That means you it can't be. You were in The Emperor's New Groove?!

Then he took a deep breath and asked in a surprisingly soft tone: "Who are you?"

You calmed down a bit, pretty sure that he won't hurt you.

"I'm Y/N", you answered with a shaky voice.

"And...what exactly are you?", he seemed unsure of how to form this question. For a reason though, what did he mean with 'what are you'?

" human? Just like you, I guess?"

Pacha turned back to the crowd for a second, searching for insurance before turning back to you.

"Well...I'm sorry if I sound rude appeared in a weird way. And you look different than we do."

"What do you mean?" You looked at him, not quite sure what answer he expected. "I can't remember anything."

You looked down at yourself. You were wearing black pants, heeled boots, and a red crop top, on your wrists different golden bracelets. Suddenly the penetrating smell of cigarettes, probably stuck in your hair, rose up in your nose and you remembered. At least a part.

You were out with your friends last night and you decided to go to a club where you had an amazing night just dancing and drinking. You didn't smoke but as it was allowed to smoke at the VIP tables the smell of cigarettes quickly spread around the dancefloor and stuck to you. But then you had a blackout. You couldn't remember getting home. And obviously you didn't as you still had on your clothes.

"I was out with my friends last night", you murmured, "But I can't remember how I got here..." How could this happen? This was not possible, right? Maybe this was just a dream? But it felt so real...This was just like one of those fanfictions.

"Oh...I'm sorry to hear that", Pacha said clearly being uncomfortable in his position.

"What about her skin? And her hair?", a woman shouted out. Ah, there we go. That question.

"Pipa!", another woman shushed her, glancing scared at you.

After an awkward silence, you took a breath and told them about you.

"It's called vitiligo. It's a skin condition where parts of my skin are less pigmented than others. It's not a disease or something. I was like that since the day I was born and I always have been healthy."

Your skin always brought attention, be it either positive or negative. You were used to getting remarks about that by now and in middle school you were even bullied because of that. It was normal for you to be avoided because of that but it still hurt when people thought of you as a mutation or monster.

But somehow you wanted to prove them wrong. You wanted to show them that you are the same as those people. Maybe it was because deep in your mind you knew that there was a possibility to share the rest of your life with those villagers and you didn't want them to think bad of you.

"Well, what about the hair? And the clothes?", another woman asked.

"I dyed my hair a few months ago. Usually it black, just like yours is, but I wanted to change it up a bit so I put in a blue shimmer. So it will grow out eventually. And my clothes are what we consider fashion where I come from. Many people wear that."

No one said anything.

"Look, I know it is suspicious how I suddenly appeared here did I appear here actually?" You looked at Pacha.

"You...uh...there was a light flash and suddenly you fell from the sky."

"Okay the sky...wait what?", you stopped midway in your sentence. You fell from

"I'm amazed that you are still alive after that, we were worried you might be dead", Pacha said.

"Wow...I didn't expect that...Well anyway. I know it's very suspicious to you how I came here but I can assure you, I don't want to harm anyone of you. I may look a bit different but I am the same as you", you concluded your short speech.

It seemed like the atmosphere in the crowd calmed down a little; still no one was sure what to do now. Until an older man slowly stepped forward and next to Pacha.

"Don't you think this might be a case for the Emperor? I think he should decide what to do now", he suggested.

And agreeing whisper spread around the three of you.

"You were summoned to the palace anyway; you can just take her with you. Maybe the Emperor has a good idea", the old man added.

Pacha nodded. "This might be a good idea."

Meeting the Emperor? Meeting Emperor Kuzco? You couldn't help but fangirl a little inside, trying to put on a straight face.

"Alright, then let's do it like that."

And so the plan was settled. 

Heart to Heart (Kuzco x vitiligo! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now