Chapter 13

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You looked up to the sky after hearing a sudden rumble above you. The once clear blue color turned into an ocean of grey clouds. It looked like a storm was coming. Ironically the weather matched the mood in your group. Well, it wasn't a group anymore after Pacha left though.

After the argument between Pacha and Kuzco the two of you followed Yzma and Kronk for a while until you realized that they probably didn't even go back to the capital, so it would be pointless to walk after them. Instead, you hurried back to the restaurant and asked for directions.

Now you tried to find your way through the jungle with Kuzco silently walking behind you. After he realized that Yzma wanted to kill him, something broke inside him. The once cheerful and cheeky emperor was now quiet and a gloomy aura hung above him. And now you felt that it was your responsibility to get him back home.

You couldn't help but feel bad for him. Even if he behaved terribly as an emperor in the past, it still was harsh to just kill him. You just couldn't understand Yzma's way of thinking.Step by step the trees around you became less and less and you could make out more of the scenery in front of you. And suddenly you saw the head-shaped palace in the distance!

"Kuzco! We made it!", you called out to him beaming with happiness. Kuzco however flinched at your announcement and slowly stepped next to you. "We can go home now! There isn't even a bridge blocking our way.""I don't think it's a good idea to return", Kuzco muttered."Why? We finally made it back after like a week and we can turn you back into a human! I thought you wanted that?""Yeah I know", the llama emperor looked to the ground, "You know Yzma and Kronk said something else.""And what?", you tilted your head a bit."They said that I was useless as an emperor...and that after I disappeared no one really cared about it..."

Oh...right there was something...

"Am I really that bad as an emperor? Does everybody really hate me?""I...", you thought of a way to tackle this. What could you say to make him understand the truth but don't depress him even more?"We haven't known each other for very long, so I'm not sure...I can only base my opinion on how you treated Pacha. And if people really say that they don't care about you I assume you treat them the same way..."Kuzco looked at you. "That means?""I think you should try being a bit more considerate towards others.""Considerate?""Yeah, think more about their feelings and compare it to how you would feel if you were treated that way. And then be nicer to them if you have to."Kuzco didn't say anything."I know we had this conversation already a hundred times but let's take Pacha as an example. You wanted to take away his home right? Without even providing some alternative place to live in. Wouldn't you be also angry if someone tried to throw you out of your home? Like...Yzma did?""Yeah...I would", Kuzco nodded."I don't know about other decisions you made while ruling but if they are all similar it's understandable that people are rather happy that such an emperor went away isn't it.""I guess..."

Suddenly a heavy burst of rain started interrupting your conversation."Damn, it why now", you muttered, "come one let's search for a shelter."You felt like you shouldn't push Kuzco to return to the capital that quickly since he had to figure out first what he wanted to do. So turning away from the city you entered the jungle again.

After searching for maybe half an hour for a place the rain couldn't reach, you found a cavern. Already completely drenched though, you sat down on the ground and stared outside. Silence fell over both of you and for a while, you just listened to the rain and watched giant puddles forming outside.But you had to say something. You had to cheer up the depressed emperor. And just right now you got an idea.

"You know", you glanced at him. Kuzco perked his ears in your direction. "You remind me of someone.""Who?", Kuzco turned to you. You got his curiosity."He's not someone from this world but he's the main character of a movie. He's a skeleton and a Pumpkin King and responsible for organizing the scariest Halloween feasts.""Pumpkin King? Sounds kinda stupid", Kuzco said, not very impressed."Don't judge his title", you hit him with your elbow. "Ow!", Kuzco flinched a couple inches away from you. "So how are we similar?""You both seem a bit villainous at the first impression.""Why thank you...""But once you're over the first glance, you are actually a good guy at heart, who only wants to do the best fitting the situation."Kuzco tilted his head. "You think so?"You nodded. "If it was different then would I still be here?""Hm...true..."

"Anyways, I don't think you should just throw in the towel on being emperor", you leaned back a bit stretching out your legs. The sound of the rain outside relaxed you."But the people don't like me...""But you can make them like you again. And let's be honest Yzma would even be a worse empress don't you think?""I can imagine that!", Kuzco chuckled."And we can't let them win this!"Kuzco nodded his head slowly. "I think you're right. I need to go back.""That's the spirit I want to see", you grinned at him.

After another moment of silence, Kuzco sighed. "I'm sorry for dragging you into this y/n.""What do you mean?""Well, the whole quarrel with Yzma and that I practically dragged you through the whole jungle and that we almost died so many times and that we're completely drenched now with no plan what to do.""Nah don't be", you waved one hand at him, "To be was kinda fun. Stressful, scary, and traumatic...but kinda fun."Kuzco looked at you in disbelief so you explained. "My previous life wasn't that spectacular really. Going to school, dealing with people, get back home, and sleep. And repeat that five times a week. So this whole adventure was a nice change of lifestyle. Well...not that I want to do it again", you laughed quietly."Oh, I see.""So I'm rather happy to have met you", you smiled at him warmly.The llama returned the smile. "I'm also glad to know you. I don't think I would've made it this far without you.""It's called teamwork", you corrected him."Teamwork...", Kuzco repeated thoughtfully.

Neither of you said anything for a while before Kuzco broke the silence. "Y/N when the rain stops we need to return to the palace. But before that, I want to find Pacha and apologize to him. He is a great friend and his help was as great as yours was. I don't want to lose him."You nodded, happy that Kuzco finally got the facts in his head.


I'm sorry that this chapter is a bit shorter than usual but I wanted to make a break that fits in the story....But the next chapter will be longer again and with more dynamic as we solwly get closer to the finale!

And yes the Pumpkin King thing was a reference to my new trashy story that I plan to write, so if you want to check that out, it's on my work list :)

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