Chapter 10

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You woke up to a familiar voice calling your name. Confused you jumped up and swung your head from one side to the other but you couldn't make out much as your vision was still blurry.

"Are we under attack?", you voiced the only thing that came to your mind.

"No, no, we're not", the voice said calmly and you recognized that it belonged to Pacha.

"Oh..." Your vision became gradually clear again and now you saw him standing next to you.

"How is your leg?", he asked.

Not sure what to expect you slowly stood up and instantly flinched when you put your body weight on your wounded leg.

"It still hurts...but I think I can manage it", you said lying, trying to sound tougher than you probably were. But you didn't want to be a burden.

"Oh no, you can't walk like that", Pacha shook his head, "You only make the injury worse."

You lowered your head, depressed by the fact that because of you it would take much longer to get back to the palace.

"Don't worry, I have good news", the farmer tried to cheer you up.

"And that is?", you looked at him skeptically.

"Kuzco agreed that he would build his summer house somewhere else. So we can bring him to the palace without any problems. And we can get you treated there as well!"

Oh yeah...Kuzco's lie to get Pacha to bring him to the palace. Well, you would just play along anyway.

"Really? That's cool! I just hope he really means it."

"I trust him. Come one he's over there." Pacha led you over to some weeping willows at the shore where Kuzco was already waiting. Oh Pacha, if you only knew.

"Alright we can move on", he said when you arrived.

"Finally, I was worried we might stand here forever", Kuzco jumped up eagerly. "Now let's go."

"Wait a second", Pacha stopped him to which the Emperor turned around again with a slightly annoyed expression.

"Y/N still can't walk properly because of her leg", he glanced at you for a second, "and llamas are also very good people carrier so maybe I thought...could you let her ride on you until we get back to the capital?"

Kuzco and you stared at Pacha, then at each other, and then back at him. You knew exactly what Pacha was thinking and you were amazed by how sly he could be. He would have no problem carrying you himself, probably even less then Kuzco, but he wanted you two to get closer.

"Uhhhh", Kuzco wasn't sure what to think about it. He wasn't fond of carrying a person but on the other hand, it was you, and you were hurt. So he guessed he could make an exception.

"Alright, just this one time", he gave in.

And with that Pacha helped you to get on top of him and you were hoping that none of them noticed the rising red color in your face.

"Great let's go then", Pacha said enthusiastically and started to walk off into a random direction.

"Thanks", you muttered.

"Don't sweat it", Kuzco flicked with one ear. "I'm strong enough to carry ten of you at the same time."

"Then I'm glad I'm not being a burden", you giggled, relieved that Kuzco didn't have a problem with carrying you after all.

After a while of walking and Kuzco making stupid jokes and arguing with Pacha, you arrived in front of a cavern. Weird, you didn't remember a cavern in the movie.

Heart to Heart (Kuzco x vitiligo! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now