Chapter 11

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I'm back! Sorry it took so long but I had my finals and needed to meet some deadlines but now I'm free again and can continue on this thing! Thank you so much for the reviews and love for the story and I hope you enjoy the rest of it too <3 

After another half of the day hiking, you finally reached the rope bridge which led straight to the capital. In the far distance, you could even see the palace already gleaming in the sunlight. You were actually lucky that the weather was pretty good until now; the trip would have been ten times harder if there was a storm or something.

"Okay, once we cross this bridge it's only an hour to the palace", Pacha guided you to the cliff and confidently set a foot on the not very sturdy looking wooden plank."Good; because believe it or not, I think I need a bath", Kuzco waddled behind him, not caring about the terrifying height this bridge was built in. In contrast to you. You stopped at the cliff. "Isn't there any other way to get to the other side?", you asked.Pacha and Kuzco stopped and turned around to you. "It's the fastest way", the farmer said, trying to convince you."Come on, I want to get out of this body as soon as possible. I'm the one who was turned into a llama after all", Kuzco added. "All right, then you go first", you said, "The bridge doesn't seem to be able to manage the three of us at the same time."

You remembered that the bridge would collapse during their argument and you didn't want to be involved in that. Knowing that both of them would make it out anyway, you could just pretend then to search for something like vines to get them out. "Okay then", the others continued to make their way over the brittle wood planks. You tried to relax for a second but almost got a heart attack when Pacha stepped on a very brittle plank and it broke down under his feet, making him fall into the abyss. Well not really, some of the ropes caught him and saved him from another bath in a river deep down below you. But now he was caught in the ropes, not being able to move or get up on his own."Kuzco!", he screamed for help.Kuzco looked back troubled for a second, but his expression quickly changed into a thoughtful one."Kuzco, what are you doing? Help him!", you shouted from the sidelines. The emperor kept looking between you and Pacha until a malicious smirk appeared on his face. He stretched his head down into the hole. "Yeah?""Quick help me up!", Pacha pleaded. But instead of helping the poor man up, the llama lifted his head back up and jumped gracefully over the hole. "No, I don't think I will", he looked over his shoulder. "What's that supposed to mean?", you questioned him, playing dumb."You're gonna leave me here?", Pacha asked desperately hanging onto the ropes.Kuzco turned back and looked through the hole again. "Well, I was gonna have you imprisoned for life...but I kinda like this better", he explained."I thought you were a changed man", Pacha started getting angry."Come one I had to say something to get you to take me back to the city", the llama rolled his eyes, amused by this silly little farmer who actually believed him. "So all of it was was a lie?!""Well yeah – no wait", Kuzco made a face pretending to think, "Uh yeah, yeah. It all was a lie. Well toodles, come on sweetie let's go." He gave you a quick glance and continued to walk over the bridge. "No", you simply said."Huh?", Kuzco turned around once again, now visibly annoyed, "Are we going through all of this again?"You fished for your acting talent again, which surprisingly didn't disappoint you until now. You made the angriest face you could think of and looked at Kuzco, dead in the eye. "You know I really thought you changed for the better...I can't believe you betraying a friend like that. If you think that want to be around such people then you are so fuckin wrong."You turned around on your heels. "Hang on Pacha! I'm going to search for something to help you out of that!" And with that, you ran back into the jungle.

Kuzco's POV

He stared at you running off back into the midst of the jungle. Why? That farmer only brought more problems over them; wouldn't it be better if he was gone? Of course, killing was a bit harsh...but technically it wasn't killing when he just left him hanging there.He was more worried about your words. You sounded even angrier than back at the camping fire two days ago. Would you really leave him now for good? The thought of you not being around him anymore brought back a certain sharp but still empty feeling into the emperor's chest. A feeling he didn't like at all.But he didn't have much time thinking about you when Pacha shouted at him again from below."You're such a terrible creature...we shook hands on it!"Ah, that hand thing..."You know, the funny thing about shaking hands need hands!" Mockingly he stretched out his hooves to show Pacha how invalid the deal was. But just when he was about to make his way to the other side of the ravine, the planks under his feet yielded under his weight making the llama fall down with a short scream, landing, the same as Pacha, in some ropes. "Are you okay? Are you alright?", Pacha asked as Kuzco hyperventilated. "Yeah. Yeah. I think I'm alright.""Good." Pacha punched him straight in the face. "That's for going back on your promise."Kuzco used his chance of getting untangled a bit to make a counterattack and kicked the farmer with his rear leg. "Yeah! That's for kidnapping me! And taking me to your village, which I'm still gonna destroy by the way", he laughed gleefully until he saw Pacha coming straight back at him. The large man used his whole weight in a body check, effectively ramming Kuzco into the stone cliff. Pacha positioned himself on the other side."Why did I risk my life for a selfish brat like you? I was always taught that there was some good in everyone, but, oh, you proved me wrong.""Oh, boo-hoo, now I feel bad. Bad llama", Kuzco theatrically sobbed."I can' believe Y/N fell in love with someone like you", Pacha growled, to which Kuzco perked up. It seems that your little secret was now out."She...loves me?", he asked unbelievingly."She told me how complicated it was to be with you and given your behavior I understand her completely. But she still tried to see the good in you, trying to understand you and enjoy the time together. But you just give her more reasons to hate you and to not trust you anymore!"Kuzco kept quiet for a while, rethinking what Pacha said right now. You actually loved him? He was hoping that you at least had a crush on him but that you really requited his feelings amazed him. All the more the feeling of guilt hit him again. Pacha was right, he saw it himself right now when you ran off. You might end up hating him."You are so lucky to have a beautiful, kind, and caring girl to fall in love with you and that's how you behave?", the farmer brought him back to reality."Hey, it's not my fault. Here everyone has to take care of themselves", despite his inner argument, Kuzco automatically fell back into his normal behavior. "Let's end this", Pacha snarled at him."Ladies first", Kuzco retorted.Both men...or man and llama clashed together to a wild fight, still hanging on the ropes. Punches and kicks flew, tails and ears were pulled and eyes were stabbed. The more or less dynamic fight continued for maybe a minute or two until it was interrupted by some of the ropes starting to tear making them sink down a couple of meters.Both of them looked up and saw the bridge fall apart piece by piece. They could only quickly glance at each other before the fell down into the abyss. Lucky for them the cliff became more and more narrow towards the end and squashed against each other they both came slowly to a halt shortly before falling down into the river below them. Instantly Kuzco panicked again. "What are gonna do? We're gonna die! We're gonna die! That's it for me!", he started crying.Pacha looked around for an idea of how to get back up and saw one rope still hanging down."No we're not", he said, "calm down. I have an idea." As he positioned his legs Pacha tried to tangle up his arms with Kuzco's. "Give me your arm", he commanded him as the emperor was too focused on his doom. With now entangled arms Pacha explained his plan: "When I say go, push against my back and we'll walk up the hill. Pushing against each other will help us not to fall down. Ready?"Kuzco shook his head. Ignoring this Pacha pressed as much as he could against Kuzco, smashing him against the rock in result though."Ow!", the llama yelped, "you did that on purpose!" In return, he also pushed Pacha against his cliffside. "No I didn't", the man grumbled, "Now, we're gonna have to work together to get out of this, so follow my lead."After finding a balance between both forces, Pacha directed to pull up the right foot."Whose right? Your right or mine right?""It doesn't matter. Mine.""Why yours?", Kuzco asked indignantly."Okay fine your right!", Pacha lost his patience, "Ready?""Yeah."

Your POV

You sat down on a giant root sticking out of the earth with a loud sigh. After learning where to actually search for vines it didn't take long to find some and now you tried to kill your time. You knew that Kuzco and Pacha would work together now and get back up and Kuzco would save the farmer from falling down when the edge of the cliff crumbled so there was nothing to worry. You didn't want to interrupt the story plot and character development.

A quiet moment alone gave you finally some time to think over all of the events of the last few days. You still couldn't believe that you were somehow brought into a Disney world and managed to get the attention of the emperor. And to get a crush on him.You wondered if he felt the same way towards you. After all, he showed some signs that he liked being nice to you...surely not many people got that privilege. But you worried about whether you misunderstood that for plain kindness on a friendship level. Maybe that's something you could investigate in the next couple of days.

Sudden screaming mixed with a weird background noise brought you back to reality and called you to Pacha and Kuzco. It seemed they made it back again. Getting up groaning because the short break couldn't even help you to regain some strength, you picked up the vines you collected and jogged back to the cliff, as fast as your leg could handle.Finally arriving back at the bridge, or more like where a bridge once was, you saw both of them safe and sound at the spot where you originally started. Kuzco was doing his little victory dance.

"You made it!", you shouted out, gaining their attention. "Did Kuzco help? And where is the bridge?", you asked innocently."It was complicated", Pacha rubbed his neck, "But in the end, Kuzco really did help, without him I would've been dead now.""Ohhhh?", you smirked at Kuzco, knowing too well how this part irritated him, "So there is something good in you after all.""Come on, what's the big deal? I saved him, yeah but nobody's that heartless." Realizing what he said he clasped his mouth shut.Pacha and you looked at each other, grinning like a Cheshire cat. "Don't read too much into it. It was a one-time-thing", Kuzco looked away to which Pacha nodded his head. "Well let's go then", he turned around and started to walk away from the cliff, "With that bridge out it's a four-day-walk to the palace." You followed him.Kuzco looked at him shocked. "What? You mean you're still taking me back?""I shook on it, didn't I?""Well, yeah...but I hope you realize that doesn't change a thing. I'm still building Kuzcotopia when I get back."Pacha shrugged his shoulders. "Well, four days is a long time. Who knows? Maybe you'll change your mind."Smiling you followed them listening to Kuzco eventually trying to convince Pacha to carry him the rest of your way back.

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