Chapter 8

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Kuzco's POV

How dare those peasants to disobey him, the almighty emperor? No one ever said a word against him and now those two come and think they're something better for him? Well, jokes on you when he got back to the palace and would build his summer residence on that hill.

To be honest, it didn't surprise him much that the fat farmer tried to manipulate him and make him stop his plans. He did it already when he was summoned to the palace and protested when Kuzco told him about the project.

What hurt him more was that you took his side and even objected to the marriage. He thought you liked him. Even if it was just a little bit to accept his rather selfish decision. He thought you were different.

In the past, he met many princesses from other kingdoms who he should consider taking as his wife. But every one of them was shallow, boring with no personality. They only cared about their looks and the newest gossip. He never managed to build a proper conversation and eventually got bored out of the relationship and sent them back home.

But then he met you. You flashed him from the moment he saw you coming into the throne room, your e/c eyes sparkling with nervousness and fear when you stared up to him. He never saw such beauty. Your blue shimmering hair. And the special pattern on your skin. He regretted he never asked you what was that all about. 

You were the first person to treat something more. He could be himself around you and you would do the same. You didn't follow a protocol, well more likely because you never knew about one, and you made jokes, told him stupid stories, and made him feel special. Like he was more than just an emperor. And your dancing back at the party just amazed him. When you told him that you had no talent for dancing or any musical thing he didn't expect you to deliver such an incredible performance. The elegance and smoothness in your movements, the preciseness in the poses you were taught only a couple hours ago. He still couldn't get it out of his head how beautiful you looked.

But to know that you actually rejected him the whole time...It hurt his pride. But it brought also a strange pain to his chest as if something shattered inside him as if he lost something important.

He shook his head trying to get rid of the uncomfortable thoughts. First of, he had to focus on getting back to the palace. It shouldn't be a problem though. As the emperor, he was born with an innate sense of direction.

Your POV

You ran right behind Pacha down the hill. Judged by his scream, Kuzco was being chased by jaguars now and you had to be fast or else there wouldn't be anything left of him to rescue.

Abruptly Pacha came to a stop slithering and you crashed right into him.

"Ow", you rubbed your nose and tried to look past his broad stature.

"Sorry, are you okay?", Pacha stepped aside and looked at you apologizing.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

You saw the reason behind Pacha's sudden halt. You were a couple of meters away from a cliff, in front of you stretched a vast jungle valley. What felt like kilometers below you a river paved his way through the mountains. Oh boy, that river.

In some distance, you could make out Kuzco's llama form trapped by a pack of jaguars and it seemed his only way out was to jump off the edge of the cliff and into the depth.

"There he is!", you pointed in his direction to show Pacha where he was.

"Jaguars? He has the worst of luck", he groaned and wiped his face with one hand.

Heart to Heart (Kuzco x vitiligo! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now