Chapter 9

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Everything around you was dark again. It wasn't a frightening darkness though, it was rather comforting. You felt like you could just fall asleep any second.

But where were you? Did you skip through different worlds again? Where would you land this time? What would Kuzco and Pacha do if they couldn't find you?

No, you couldn't just leave yet. You wanted to stay in the Peruvian world you considered your new home now. You didn't want the adventure to end yet.

You blinked and suddenly the warm darkness changed into a cold, wet and heavy one and you realized that you were drowning. You fell down the waterfall and the tree shattered on a rock or just by some heavy forces. It must have knocked you out for a moment.

Immediately your instincts cried havoc to get you back on the surface. With what little strength you had left you struggled to get back up, back to the light that hovered over you.

You gasped for air when your head finally came out of the water and panicking you looked around for the nearest shore.

You saw Pacha dragging Kuzco out of the water at this moment and quickly swam to them.

"Y/N!", Pacha exclaimed when he saw you and helped you out of the water, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine", you breathed heavily just when the sharp pain in your upper leg returned and made you collapse on the ground. 

"Ow, what the hell", you hissed and lifted the hem of your skirt to see a rather deep cut. Blood flowed out of it and your last active brain cells told you you needed to stop it or you would die from blood loss. But what could you do?

"Oh my God, where did you get that wound?", Pacha asked hysterically. Not only was Kuzco unconscious but now you were also in danger.

You looked around, not in the mind to register Pacha's question when you remembered a scene you saw once in an anime. This might not be the same but you were in a cartoon, so it should work right?

You took the train of the skirt and ripped of a large piece and put it around the wound. With you leftover strenght you tied a knot, putting pressure on the wound. You hoped that would stop the blood eventually.

"When did that happen?", Pacha asked again.

Finally looking up thought about the last events. "I think it was somewhere in the river. Maybe I cut it open on a branch or a stone..."

Pacha watched you worried moving your leg a bit. "Maybe I can find some medicine in here later. There should be something for wounds."

"That would be great", you muttered till you remembered something. "What about Kuzco?"

Pacha widened his eyes and hurried back over to the llama lying on the ground. "He's unconscious! We have to help him."

"I don't know anything about reanimation though", you looked at him worried. You didn't start going to driving school yet so you never visited a first-aid-seminar. And you never did something similar in school.

"I think I know something", Pacha panted, you could see his grossed out look on his face though."Oh boy. Come one breathe", he slapped Kuzco's face a few times to escape his disgusting fate. "Breathe!"

Kuzco's head just plumped back down.

"Why me?", Pache whimpered and looked over to you hoping that maybe you could redeem him from this task by coming up with a solution. But instead, you just stared back at him, the same helplessness in your eyes.

Heart to Heart (Kuzco x vitiligo! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now