Chapter 2

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You enjoyed the morning sun on your face as Pacha and you finally finished your journey and entered the capital.

He and his family were so kind to let you sleep in their house for the first night and you could even enjoy dinner with them. You met Pacha's wife Chicha, who was still pregnant just like in the movie and his kids Tipo and Chaca. Everyone was welcoming and treated you so kindly, almost as if you were part of the family. Tipo and Chaca battered you the whole evening with questions about your world, about your city, your friends, and what a nightclub is. So you told them everything they wanted to know.

You lived in a big city. It wasn't New York but it was fairly a big metropolis. Still being in high school you were already making plans to study animation at a college after you graduated. Your dream was to become an animator at a big film studio and create your own stories and universes and to make people laugh, cry, and give them their own dreams.

Then you had to explain what an animation is since in this world technology like that didn't exist yet. Everyone was fascinated by the stories and explanations you told them. And before you noticed it was already late at night and Chicha shushed you all to bed.

You smiled at the memory while you tried not to lose Pacha in the crowd as you walked through the marketplace.

You couldn't sleep much that night though. After the excitement of being in this world settled, you realized that this also meant that you were separated from your family and friends now and that you had actually no one here. You were alone.

It was a scary thought. Would you be able to return to your world one day? If not, how could you make a living here? Maybe Pacha's family would let you live you with them? You could help with the chores or on the fields. Pacha said in the movie that they grow here vegetables.

And maybe if you landed right before the storyline of the movie you could befriend Kuzco. It depended on if the story is already over though.

You shook your head, trying to shake off the whirlwind of thoughts. You shouldn't worry so much; after all you came to the capital for the Emperor to decide this matter on his own.

The trip was quite hard, it took one whole day to get there and you had to sleep over in some kind of hostel right outside the capital since it was already too late to meet the Emperor yesterday.

After leaving Misty the llama at the stable back at the hostel you made your way to the palace. And as you stood in front of the gigantic staircase you wondered if this was all worth it. You did your weekly dose of exercise but you weren't the fittest person out there.

"Well, let's get this over", Pacha huffed. It seems he wasn't fond of this staircase either.

"Are you sure you want to do this?", you asked.

"He's the Emperor, I have to see him."

"True", you shrugged your shoulders and with that, you began to climb up the stairs.

"Your Highness, there are some people who want to see you. It's the village leader you summoned and a bizarre girl", a royal servant announced the arrival of you two.

The Emperor turned his attention to the man. "Great, the village man! And what was that with the girl?"

"She told this weird story, she landed in the village and they are trying to figure out what to do with her, so she came with the village leader to seek your advice..."

Kuzco rolled his eyes, clearly not being interested in the ramblings of his servant. "And what is so bizarre about her?"

"They say she fell from the sky."

Heart to Heart (Kuzco x vitiligo! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now