Chapter 4

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"Come on I know an amazing place close by."

Again you were dragged into a room. This time it looked like a meeting room, well after all it was the conference wing. A large desk with about ten chairs around it was in the middle. Kuzco went swiftly around it and to a balcony door. Huh, you didn't know they had balconies in the palace. He opened the door and stepped outside. "This is the place with the best view in the whole country."

You went after him and this man didn't lie. A fantasy-like scenery stretched out before your eyes. Anywhere you looked you saw mountains veiled in clouds and fog. You couldn't even see the ground which made you realize the terrifying height this palace was built in. Above you, a clear blue sky spread out limitless in all directions.

"Oh my god, this is beautiful", you said more to yourself than anyone else, entranced by this view. As you stepped closer to the balcony rail you noticed how strong the wind up here was and you were happy your hair was in a bun. It wouldn't be fun combing it otherwise.

"I come here sometimes when I need some time for myself." Kuzco stepped next to you, his hands grabbing the rail.

"I can imagine, it's nice to calm down", you hummed.

Wait. Now was the time! Talk to him!, the tiny voice in your head shouted at you. Tell him you can't marry him! But how can you start? Can you even call him Kuzco? It's your fiancé after all. But you didn't know the rules of the royals so maybe it would be rude to call him by his first name. Mr. Kuzco? Is Kuzco-san okay? Don't be stupid we're not in an anime. Just keep it safe and use the "your highness" thing.

"Uh...Your Highness?" This was now maybe the fifth attempt to talk to him today.

"Yeah?", Kuzco turned his head to you, his attention finally on you. You got him.

"About the whole getting-married thing..."

"Oh yeah!", he interrupted you again. Luck wasn't on your side today. "I wanted to say that it's pretty nice that you are cool with that. I would've thought you might have something against it and would try to escape or complain the whole time."

No! This was not how it should go.

"But you're pretty fun to have around. Well, maybe it's just because you know that objecting the Emperor means a death sentence." He chuckled.

Yo, what? A death sentence if you said something against him? You looked at him, shocked that such a law existed. They didn't say that the movie...Well, wtf were you supposed to do now?! Now you HAD to marry him.

No, wait! The llama thing didn't happen yet! You would just tell him then when his whole mindset would be flipped over anyway. You can still do it, there was still time.

"Well, what did you want to say again?", Kuzco brought the topic back to you.

"I- uhhh..." Damnit what could you say instead? Quick, think of something. Anything is fine.

"I uh, am actually lactose intolerant!", you shouted out a bit louder than you wanted and instantly slapped yourself. So much for don't be suspicious. "So I can't eat anything with dairy." Thank God your lactose intolerance saved the day actually. Even though it was a weird topic to talk about.

"Lactose intolerant? What's that?", Kuzco looked at you confused.

"Well if you drink milk or eat yogurt or cheese, your body can't digest it and you get sick", you explained.

"Oh, that's terrible! That means we have to ban everything like that from the banquet at the celebrations! I can't have you sick there", your fiancé rattled away how he needed to change the preparations.

Heart to Heart (Kuzco x vitiligo! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now