Chapter 11. Rita's speech. Also Monkey.

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"I am my body, the spirit is only part of it. Therefore I should care for myself. My body rules my spirit. You don't believe me of course. You think the body is a home for a spirit but it's a lie. Spirit is just a body's creation. If you drink alcohol, you pour it into your body. But where is the spirit? It dances and sings because the body is happy. Spirit didn't drink due to its nature but is happy because the body is happy. Next day the body suffers and it makes the spirit suffer too. If the spirit would be a separate entity it could be happy even within a miserable body. But it suffers along with it. I'll give you another example. You do an important job. Ten hours, twenty hours, thirty and more. Then your body tells your spirit to rest. The spirit will kick and scream for a while but then the body will put it to sleep. So, who rules who? Make a conclusion yourself. Do you still think that you can despise your body claiming pompously that you are above it? Do you still think that you can ignore your body's needs? You are delusional or somebody fooled you. You put your faith in the wrong preacher. And look at the bonus, a healthy body can give you great pleasure, like wilde run through the desert or crazy bath in the river, anything. But if you fail to keep it in good form it may give you great pain."

"Hello kitty, don't you think you overcharged here?" Tiffany laughed out loud hearing such rant.

"Well... yes. Sorry. You got me here. It's not a good way to preach by telling someone that they are wrong. But... where is your spirit? Within your body or above it?"

"...I have to think of it as actually I never asked myself that kind of question."

"Let me preach more than. Some people say that the body doesn't matter but then, in deepest secrecy they indulge it. The day they say "despise your earthy vessel and focus on your soul". They say "Your body may suffer here but your soul will live forever. Ooops, I forgot to mention, you have to die first. No big deal, sheeps. We are only dust of the dust. But worries, you will be resurrected. And I can now show you the way just for a half of my usual fee. But mind this, you don't pay me. You make a donation for the glory of our Lord. We only collect it. Every dollar counts. Especially the one from the poor widow." So they plant lies in the sheep minds and the sheep began to worship them more then so called Lord. And one warm afternoon, the Lord will pop in and ask them:

-Hi guys, peace with you. What is that great building over there?

- Who are you, good man?- They will ask.

-I'm your Lord, you remember four holy books that your ancestors wrote some time ago? They were based loosely on my life.

-Mhmm, well maybe you are- they reply carefully, not entirely believing him- It's your home, our Lord. We worship you there.

-But... I don't need it. I didn't tell you to worship me. I just wanted you to be decent to each other.

-Yes, but we need it. We live here too. And you've said "do it to remember me", wasn't it an invitation to worship you?

-I was at a low point at that time, I had a tough task the next day. It was a more spiritual message then a building plan.

...and so on. And at the end they kill him as he became too dangerous to them. They have too much to lose. This is a short version of the very sad story "How the Lord died." But wait, it can be even sadder. They didn't kill him. They took his clothes, lashed hard and chased him away from their town. And he was walking slowly, fighting pain, and he was looking back from time to time at the town which was supposed to be his home, at the people laughing at him. Now, put your feet in his footprints and imagine what's going on in his head, what he feels. "

"Rita, have you been there when they killed or banished or lashed him?"

"No, but I gathered the evidence. Unfortunately all circumstantial. No hard case for a judge. There is none anyway."


"... I'm messing with you, flower. I'm not crazy. I just like to analyze and deduct."

The women were lying on the blanket facing each other. Rita was watching Tiffany and enjoyed it. And Tiffany was happy to be so close to Rita. She is so pretty and perfect. Thanks mother nature for Rita. Shiny short fur, steely eyes. So strong, so vigilant. Nothing bad could meet me when she's around... What was that? Although in one second Tiffany spotted two eyes in the bushes nearby. They have been watching her focused. Tiffany looked back at them. The creature was crawling without making a sound. It was about ten yards when Tiffany recognised it. It was another puma, the same black as blackest marble but a bit smaller than Rita. Five yards. Rita realised that something is wrong. Four yards. Rita was staring into Tiffany's eyes. "Don't make a move" she said wordlessly. The creature flew toward them and Rita got to her feet bringing it down with her paws and squeezing her jaws on its throat. They landed on the blanket and the creature was fighting for its freedom furiously but Rita's grip was like an iron. At the end the creature gave up whispered very quietly.

"Mum, let me go, please!"

"Oh, it's you monkey." said Rita "surprised" letting the "monkey" go. What are you doing here? I told you to stay home."

"I wanted to meet your girlfriend."

Tiffany and Rita, both turned red. "Monkey" watched them with curiosity and spiteful satisfaction.

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