Ch. 3 Shortcake

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Oh god. This isn't good.

"Are you ok?!"


I help the boy up and sit him down in the chair.

"Here's the first aid kid" Daichi comes next to me.

"Thank you."

Daichi hands me the first aid kit and I immediately take out a Icy-Hot and spread it on the boys forehead where it seems to be a little red.


"I'm sorry. It's gonna sting a little. Please endure for a little while."

I keep spreading the balm till I think it's enough. I put it away and press a small ice pack so it helps it a little better.



I look back down at the boy only to how close we are. Only a few centimeters apart.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that."

I hand the ice pack to him.

"It's okay but what are you doing here (L/N)-san?"

He knows me? Wait he's the guy from my class. He sits right next to me. Ugh I forgot his name again.

"I'm here to watch your practice. I was invited by Hinata and Kageyama."

"Oh right, he told us yesterday that someone was coming. I didn't know it was you though."

"That's alright."

I then look up to see someone next to the guy. It was a very beautiful girl.

"Hey Kiyoko. It's been a while. How are you?"

"(Y/N)-chan. It's nice to see you here. I'm good. How about you?"

"I'm good as well."

"Wait you all know each other?!" I hear Hinata yell from behind me.

"Ah well I've known Kiyoko since middle school. We just haven't had time to meet up in high school too much though. I know this guy because we're in the same class."

"This guy? I feel offended (L/N)-san. Don't you know my name? We've been in the same class for three years and I sit next to you in class yet you do now know my name."

"Um I know it."

"Then tell me. What is my name?"

The silvered-haired boy came a little closer to me expecting me say something.

Come on (Y/N). He was in your class for three years. You must have heard his name somewhere. It was something like Sugar or Shortcake.

"Sugar Shortcake?"

Wait I said that part out loud!

I look around and see everyone just staring at me. I look back at the sugar guy and he looks completely speechless.

"Wait, that's not-"

"Pfft. Hahahaha. Suga-san, you're a sugar shortcake to her!" Tanaka was laughing just head off as well as Nishinoya. Some were also lighting giggling in the background.

"Hahahah. That should be your new nickname Suga-san!" This time Nishinoya said it.

"Cut it out guys. She just accidentally said that. Though it was a little funny." Daichi whispered the last part.

Wait I remember. The guy from first year. He closed the door in my face once but I didn't pay attention to who it was. His friends called to him and called him


The so called man looked back to me and smiled a little.

"There you go. Even after a few mistakes you can get it right in the end."

"I'm sorry for not knowing in the beginning. I don't pay attention to things I don't want to. I don't mean that in a rude way."

"It's okay, I know. You never pay attention in class either."

"Ah right."

"Come on you two. Enough with the chit chat, we have to practice."

"Coming Daichi. Okay (L/N)-san, I'll see you later." Then he winked.

"Uhm right. See you."

I moved the chair away from the door to more on the side and was about to sit down.

"Hey (Y/N)-chan!"

"Yeah Kiyoko. Do you need something?"

"Can you help me fill these water bottles?"


I took some bottles out of her hands and headed towards the fountain with her. We start to fill them all up carefully.

"So (Y/N)-chan, hows it been going? I haven't seen you for a while."

"It's been going well. I thought you did track before. How are you in the boys volleyball club."

"I actually had an accident in track so I had to quit. I'm the boys volleyball clubs manager now."

We gather the water bottles and walk back inside the gym.

"That's nice. You have something to still occupy you."

"Let me guess, you don't do anything afterschool. Just go home, eat, do homework, maybe study but that is rare for you, maybe dinner and then go to sleep."

"Hah. You still know me too well Kiyoko."

"Of course. Just because we didn't talk for almost three years doesn't mean I forgot about you. You, me, and Riko used to hang out all the time back in middle school. I don't want to bring my hopes up, but do you still play?

We place the water bottles down and stand watching the boys.

"No. You know this Kiyoko. I can't, no matter what."

"I don't think it's 'no matter what'. You just can't at the moment."

"I guess so."

We seem a little hesitant to say anything after that question.

Then Kiyoko broke that silence.

"Do you and Riko still hang out?"

I smile a little at that.

"We've been in the same class for these three years. We occasionally talk about our time from middle school with you. Brings back a lot of memories actually. I don't know how we never met up till now."

"I don't know either but it's good to see you. We all should hand out again some time?"

"Yeah, that would be really nice."

"Do you want to join the boys volleyball club as a manager?"

"Oh no. I think it's a little too late for me to join anything at this point anyways. I'm just came here to watch."

"I wish you could stay here. Then I could see you more."

"I'll do my best to come here as often as I can when I don't feel lazy just for you."

"Haha that's good."

There's a comfortable silence between us while we watch the boys having a practice match with each other.

"They seem to be lacking in some areas." I whisper.

"Hmm. Did you say something (Y/N)-chan?"

"Oh no, it was nothing Kiyoko."

She shrugs and goes to looking back at the boys. I also look back at them intently.

I'm gonna come here often for sure. They're gonna need a lot of help.

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