Ch. 4 Formation

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They don't even have a good formation.

The boys were all sweaty from the playing. They gave been practice for almost two hours now.

"Okay everyone go change and then head home." Daichi yelled.

All the boys started to go to get changed while I grabbed my things. I started to head out the gym when I heard a noise. I turn back to see Kageyama setting the ball and Hinata spiking it. It didn't seem like the greatest spike because of its speed and power.

"Throw me another Kageyama."


Kageyama sets another ball towards Hinata in which he spikes it again but it still doesn't seem to be his best.

Hinata turned to Kageyama when he noticed me.

"Oh (L/N)-san, aren't you you home?"

"I was about to when I heard the ball hitting the floor. Are you guys still gonna practice?"

"Yes. We need to get a quick attack. With his stamina and reflexes, I think it would suit him well." Kageyama replies.

A quick attack huh? It's been a while since I've seen one and even done one.

"Hinata, you look like you're worrying more where the ball is going. Rather than that worry about yourself and just jump."

"You're right (L/N)-san." Kageyama says. He turns back to Hinata. "I'll be the one to set to the ball perfect to you. You just jump as high as you can."

"Alright fine. Throw me another Kageyama."

Kageyama sets a ball but this time it's quicker. Hinata jumps up and hits the ball perfectly. The spike was quick as in the name. No one would have seen that coming but there was something off.

"His eyes were closed." You say aloud.

"What?" Kageyama looks shocked.

"His eyes were closed the whole time. From when he jumped to when he hit the ball."

"You did that with you're eyes closed. Why?" Kageyama questions Hinata.

"I just trust you." Hinata relies plainly.

Kageyama stands there bewildered.

Oh. Well this is turning even more interesting than I expected.

"Thank you for your advise again (L/N)-san. How do you know so much about this?"

"Just a hunch I guess. I evaluated the way you hit your spike first and just thought of the ways maybe you could change it up to make it better. In the practice today it seemed as if you jumped higher and wanted to go further. You just kept distracting yourself with the ball."

"Wow! (L/N)-san is so smart." Hinata eyes seemed to glitter?

I open my mouth but before I could say anything, someone cuts me off.

"That's expected of the top student in the whole school." I turn to see Sugawara and Daichi standing there.

"What?! Top Student?!" Both Hinata and Kageyama shout.

"Yeah. It's really nothing."

"That's really cool (L/N)-san. I'm so dumb compared to you."

"No you aren't Hinata. You just have to study really hard and you can easily become smart."

"That's may be easy for you to say but the only thing in my mind most of the time is volleyball."

"Well you're still gonna have to study. You're still at school and need to get good grades."

"I'll try my best to do that."

"If you ever need help, you can always ask me as well."

"I will. It'll be so much fun to learn with you (L/N)-san." Hinata brings out a big smile which makes me content.

"Alright come on guys. It's already really late. Go change and start heading home." Daichi says.

"Yes Captain." Both the first years reply.

They both then head and I start to as well.

"Wait up (L/N)-san. Let's walk together."

I see Sugawara and Daichi walking towards me.

"Sure. Let's go."

We all walk out the school on our ways home. Daichi then leaves in another direction and we wave him goodbye. Sugawara and I now walk together. I start thinking back to the practice today.

"-/N)-san. (L/N)-san!"

"Oh uh, yes."

"You really like getting lost in you're thought a lot don't you?"

"Sorry, it a a little habit of mine."

"Well what were you thinking about?"

"I was just thinking about your practice today. You guys don't seem to have a strong foundation or formation. It's not like you guys are bad, but you guys aren't the best either."

"Ouch that hurt (L/N)-san, but I guess I know what you mean. We're not our strongest right now, but I know we will get there. These new first years will change it all for us. You saw there quick attack just now right? It was something amazing."

"Yeah it really was, but still it's not at its top level. It could get better and I will. That's going to take time though. They will need to practice really hard on that."

"You seem to know a lot about volleyball (L/N)-san. Have you played before?"

"My brother played in the Karasuno team. He's graduated now. I used to play with him so I have some experience, but please don't tell Hinata or Kageyama or anyone else. I told him I don't know how to play."

"Oh and why's that?"

"It's just because I don't want to try out for the girl's team or play and do work."

"That's...... the worse excuse I've heard. Haha." Sugawara started to laugh a little.

"It's my reason and I like it."

Sorry. It's a lie.

"Alright (L/N)-san. Well my home is in direction so I'll be goin. Bye. Goodnight (L/N)-san."

"Bye. Goodnight Sugawara."

[Sugawara's P.O.V]

"Bye. Goodnight Sugawara."

Sugawara. She said my name.

I turn around and smirk a little.

This girl intrigues me.

[(Y/N)'s P.O.V]

I open the door and take my shoes off.

"I'm home"

No reply.

(Y/N), what are you doing? Of course no one is going to reply back if no one is actually home.

I head up the stairs to my room. I set my bag next to my desk and get a towel to take a nice shower.

After a couple of minutes, I go downstairs for some dinner. I get some instants noodles and cook them. I sit in front of the tv and watch a random show. I wash the dishes and then head into my room. I check my phone and it's 9:12. I finish up some homework then lay down on my bed

I can't stop thinking about the volleyball club.

Suddenly getting up, I walk over to my desk and take out a blank notebook and a pencil.

Now rather than just thinking about it so much why not draw it all out.

I start sketching everywhere and write a bunch of different things.

It's either they want to win or lose.

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