Ch. 10 Insant Noodles

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How did we get here?

Sugawara was currently sitting on my couch while his wet clothes still on and a towel sitting on his head.

"I'll get the bath ready for you and some clothes."

"Thank you."

I walk to my upstairs bathroom to turn the faucet on to let the dogs arm run.

We got to my house and then there was thunder.



Sugawara and I immediately look up to see thunder. Then we look at each other. It then starts pouring suddenly. I quickly grab Sugawara's hand and run towards my house. I get out my house keya and hurry inside.

"Thanks for letting me in?"

It sounded more like a question than a statement.

"No problem. I think you should stay here till the rain let's down. You'll get sick if you go out now."

"I can just run home."

"No. There's a high chance you could get sick so just stay here for the time being."

"Alright. Pardon my intrusion."

I lead him to the living room and fetch a towel for him and I.

"Sit on the couch while I get some towels for us."


I run upstairs to get two towels and then head back downstairs. He's sitting there quite awkwardly.

"Here you go."

I hand him the towel. There is a silence between but it's not comfortable, it's a little awkward.


Now we're back to the present time of me getting him a nice bath running and clothes.

"Sugawara! You're bath is ready!" I shout form up the stairs.

"Coming!" He shouts back.

He walks upstairs and comes towards me.

"The bathroom is right there. You can go take a shower first, I still need to find you some clothes to wear. I don't normally have guests over. I'll also thrown your wet clothes into the washing machine and then into the dry so they're good for tomorrow."

"I'm sorry for bothering you so much."

"No, it's quite alright. A towel should be in there for you."

"Thank you."

Sugawara gets into the bathroom and locks the door.

Now to find some clothes.

I look all over my closet but cannot find anything that wound fit him. Then in the back I find some old clothes. They seem like a guy's clothes.

This should be good for him.

"(L/N)-san, I finished taking my bath. Do you have any clothes?"

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