2. not afraid

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9 PM

Will walked up the basement stairs, lost in thought. He was humming "I want to break free" by Queen.

I'm not afraid of some stupid horror movie, he thought to himself.

He tiptoed to the kitchen. He opened the cabinet and grabbed a bag of popcorn and threw it in the microwave, setting the timer on 2 minutes. Then he went to find the chips and candy.

They were on the top shelf above the kitchen counters as always. He couldn't reach the top shelf so he found a stool and carefully stood up on it, scared to fall, looked up, and as he was reaching for it Mike appeared and grabbed the snacks. Will let out a yelp, startled by the sudden presence.

"Oh sorry, didn't mean to scare ya"
Mike said, smiling like a dork.

"Hey! That's unfair, I went to grab a stool to get them myself," Will said, laughing as he felt himself blushing, great thing that the lights were turned off so Mike couldn't see him too well.

"Sorry, I just knew you needed my help,"
Mike said, teasing him.

"Help with what? I'm okay, I got this. You can go downstairs."
Will said sincerely, trying to step down off the stool, losing balance and almost falling straight forward but the lanky boy swiftly caught him.

Now he was a blushing mess.

"You okay? you have to be more careful, seriously,"

"I'm so sorry," Will muttered, pulling back from the embrace faster than ever, embarrased.

Mike grabbed the snacks. Then the microwave beeped and Will put the popcorn in a big seperate bowl from the chips and candy.

They both proceeded to go down to the basement which was dim as they were going to start the movie.

"Took you long enough, what were you guys even doing?"
Max said.

"Sorry, I was making popcorn"
Will whispered.

Jane interrupted:
"Mike sit down already, I'm getting cold here"
She whined.

As Mike sat down, Dustin said with a smug look on his face:
"Yeah right, you just want to suck face,"

"Haha Dustin, very funny,"
Mike said as they both blushed.

Will just rolled his eyes, knowing it was true. They were probably just gonna kiss and cuddle during the whole movie. he thought to himself while feeling a sudden rush of disgust and jealousy.

He sat down on the cold floor with blankets because the sofa was fully occupied. He sat in front of Mike and Jane. Max and Lucas were cuddling on the lazyboy and Dustin was on the sofa, looking annoyed because he was third-wheeling Mike and Jane.

"Hey Will, can you pass me the skittles?"
Mike asked and Will handed him the bowl of candy.

"Give me some too," Dustin said.

The movie started off intense. It was getting scary already and Will was frightened. He felt Mike looking at him occasionally throughout the movie, most likely to make sure he was alright.

The first half of the movie went by and at this point Lucas was screaming and hanging on to Max for dear life, and Max just laughed at him.
Dustin whined about third-wheeling Mike and Jane, while Will stayed unusually quiet.

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