11. relief

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Will didn't know how to feel.
Someone accepted him for who he was.
Someone understood him.

He struggled to show his emotions.
Saying that a weight was lifted off his shoulders was an understatement. He felt so relieved, so light, that he felt like he was soaring.

The fiery redhead looked into his glistening eyes.

He felt like he was going to cry.
Not in a bad way, a happy way.

Tears started to form in the corners of Will's eyes.

"I, I'm so-so relieved,"
Will said out loud, his lips quivering a little.

Max smiled.

She pulled him into a warm embrace.

"Will, I will always support you, no matter what."
She told him.

Will smiled.

"Everything makes a little more sense now,"
She said.

Will furrowed his eyebrows.

"Wait, what do you mean by that,"
He said, in a questioning tone.

"I've just sensed that something was up with you, but didn't quite put my finger on it. You and Mike have been distant for a while now but at the same time there is some kind of magnet that is miraculously keeping you two together."
She said, scanning his face for some kind of expression or emotion.

Will's face stayed the same.
He didn't quite know what to say.

"I guess, you're right."
Will told her.

"You feel like you're losing him, don't you?"
Max said.

"I just feel like he's drifting away. I miss my best friend,"
He said.

"And I hate that I have feelings for him. I have a crush on my best friend Max,"
He continued.

"And I don't know what to do, I'm scared that I won't ever get over this crush. I'm scared,"
He said.

Max sensed that he was getting worried.

"Will, it is okay to like someone. Even if that special someone is a boy. The heart wants what it wants."
Max said, trying to reassure him.

Will still felt extreme guilt eating him up on the inside.

"I want to say thank you, for trusting me with this. I won't tell anyone, and I never will."
Max told him, giving him a soft smile.

"And I want you to know that you can tell me anything. Anything. I will always be here to listen,"
She continued.

"I, I don't know what to say,"
Will started.

"I really don't deserve you Max,"
He continued.

Max didn't say anything, she just pulled him into a big bear hug.


6:25 PM

It was getting late.
The brunette and the redhead went off the bus.
They looked up at the sky, which was overcast with heavy, grey clouds.

"Well, Byers, this is it then,"

Max said.

"You're saying this like we won't ever see eachother again Max,"

Will told her, grinning and laughing a little.

"You will never know! maybe I will be struck by lightning tonight!"
Max said.

They both started laughing.

After a little while, the laughter died down.

They looked at eachother.
Max broke the comfortable silence.

"This was really fun, don't you agree?"

"Yeah, it really was,"
Will said, curling up a smile.

"And I will see you on monday then,"
She said.

"Yeah, and you know, thank you for everything,"
Will said.

"Anytime, Byers."

And as she said those words, they both parted ways.


Will opened the door.

"Well hello there, how was your day?" Johnathan popped out of the kitchen, Joyce following close behind.

"Did you find a backpack that you like?"
Joyce asked him.

Will revealed the purple corduroy backpack that he bought, waiting for a reaction from his mother and brother.

Joyce's face lightened up like a light switch.

"Oh my! what a beautiful thing,"
She exclaimed.

"Nice choice there buddy, bold colour,"
Johnathan said.

"Look, it also has a lot of pockets,"

Will was excited to show them all of the good qualities of his new backpack.

"How neat,"
Joyce said.

"Sorry to interrupt, but we don't want the food getting cold, do we now?"
Johnathan said.


Monday, August 4th

Will woke up with a start because he heard someone walking down the hallway.

The sun was shining inside his window, blinding his eyes.

Great. First day of school.


Hi again! I hope you liked this chapter! I love reading your comments hahaha


Word count: 718

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