Part 1

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   Jirou's POV

   I looked out of the window of our new house. I had just finished unpacking so I sat on my windowsill thinking about the new school I was going to have to go to tomorrow. I sighed and looked over at my alarm clock, it read 1:37am so I decided that I should get ready for bed. I laid in my bed for at least an hour just staring at the ceiling. I decided it's best to at least try to get some sleep before school. I sat in bed staring into the roof for about an hour before giving up and walking downstairs into the living room. I walked to the kitchen and opened up a cabinet looking for my sleeping pull but all I found was an empty bottle. I groaned as I walked back upstairs and into my room watching YouTube videos.

My alarm clock rang telling me I had to get ready for school. I groaned loudly before turning it off and doing my morning routine. I Walked to bathroom and changed into my school uniform.

'You look like damn mess...' I thought to myself. I sighed and walked back to my room and lied on my bed and began thinking about my new school again.
'Maybe I should try to maybe a friend....' I thought.

   'No...... I'm not going through that shit again..... I'm just gonna end up sitting in the back of the classroom by myself..... I'm just gonna spend the whole school year being lonely.'

   I wiped the single tear that had dropped from my face away
"I miss him so much" I said to myself as sat up to grab my phone off the charger.
'I don't need friends anyway..... I'm better off on my own' I'm starting to think I'm saying that to convince myself that it's true.

"Honey come on you're gonna miss the school bus!"

"Coming mom!" I yelled out in an emotionless voice.

   I ran down the stairs careful not to fall. I walk past my mom and grabbed my backpack. I look around for my headphones and start to panic when I can't find them.

   "They're over here!" my mom called from the living room. My dad gave me these headphones right before he left to go on tour I don't see him very much anymore so I use these to remember him. I don't know what I would do without them.

   "Hey, why don't you try to make a new friend this year?" I clutched the straps of my backpack as my mind started to bring back memories of my past friend.

   "Ok you don't have to make a friend but at least talk to someone ok" she put a comforting hand on my shoulder and I nodded answering her question.

   I told my mom goodbye and started walking to the bus stop. I started to play music on my headphones humming to the melody of the song. I wasn't paying any attention to where I was going. I was to caught up in my music to realize the person in front of me and I bumped into them and fell onto the ground.

   "Ow" I said as I started rubbing my head.

   "Oh my gosh, are you ok I'm so sorry" I look up to see the girl I bumped into and stare in awe.

She has jet black hair tied into a spiky ponytail with a long bit of hair coming down in the front. She wore the same uniform as me so I knew we went to the same school.

'She's kinda cute- ugh shut up brain'

   "Are you ok?" she asks again looking at me with a worried expression. I nodded my head as she helped me up and I whispered a quick thank you before running off not wanting the conversation to continue any longer. I made it to the bus stop and saw the bus pull up a few seconds later.

   The bus came to a stop and all the kids entered. Most kids sat with there friends but I just sat in the back by myself. A few seconds into the bus ride I went to listen to my music but I realized that I didn't have my headphones. I looked everywhere but I couldn't find them they must've been knocked off of my head when I bumped into that girl. I started to panic thinking someone could've have stolen and that they'd be gone forever. Before my panic attack got worse the girl from earlier sat down next to me with my headphones in her hand. ( yes I've had a panic attack over a pair of headphones before.... I'm pathetic I know )

   "Here, you dropped them," she said as she handed them to me. I took them back letting out a big sigh of relief. As my heart was calming down she said.

   "It's nice to meet you. My name is Momo Yaoyorozu but everyone calls me Yao-Momo". I thought back to what mom said about talking more.

'Ugh this is so stupid'

    "My name is Kyoka Jirou," I said quietly but loud enough for her to hear.

   "Are you new here?" I nodded and She smiled at me and turned away to talk so some of the other kids on the bus. I put on my headphones and listen to music for the rest of the bus ride to school.

Time skip to school

   The bus pulled up to the school and I was the last person to get off the bus. Once I was off I realized how big the school was. "This school is huge" I said to myself as I sat starring at the school in front of me.


"Come on the first day of school is supposed to be fun, smile!"

"Not everybody is as enthusiastic about everything as you are," I said with a giggle as he elbowed my side.

"I got you to smile though!"

End of flashback

I smiled at the memory before a boy with yellow hair came over to me giving me a big smile.

'Oh what does this idiot want'

   "Hey, are you new here? My name is Denki! Nice to meetcha!" He said as he held his hand out to me I took it and shook his hand. I nodded my head yes.

"I can show you where to go to get your schedule if you want" i though about it for a second before I nodded my head yes and walked with him into the building. We walked through the crowded halls until we reached a room. He knocked on the door and went inside as I followed.

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