Part 4

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Jirou's POV

I walked home by myself and rushed back inside. I ran into my room and slammed the door.

"What the hell is wrong with me?" I curled up into a ball and cried to myself until I heard bursting through the front door I could tell she was mad but I didn't care.

"Why weren't you at school today?" I just ignored her and just stayed in the ball that I was in on the ground. She seemed to get madder and madder every second I didn't answer.

"What, did another kid try to talk to you?"

"Were they nice to you?" I just ignored her.

"What about the promise you made to Luc-?" "DON'T OK! IM FUCKING TRYING" I yelled as tears started to well up in my eyes.

"Did that promise not mean anything to you?" 'that's it' I ran out of my room and out of the house ignoring my mom calling me to come back.

"Why am I always running from something, i dont even know what im running from anymore" I said crying. I ran as fast as i could i didnt even know where i was going i just wanted to get away. i kept running and  to the park and sat down on a bench. I thought the park was empty until I heard someone call my name. Yaoyorozu walked over to me with a worried expression and sat down next to me.

"Hey, are you ok?" 'why does she even care' I nodded my head and got up trying to leave but she grabbed my wrist. I turned around and looked at her face. 'stop being a baby... just try...'

"Please, just let me help you" I sat there not being able to say anything. A part of me wanted to say no but the other part just wanted to run away all over again. I opened my mouth to answer but loud burst of thunder came out of nowhere it started pouring rain and without realizing I started clutching onto yaoyorozu. I'm terrified of lightning storms of course id have to be outside during one.

"Where did all those clouds come from," she said like I wasn't grasping onto her like my life depended on it.

"Hey, you wanna go to my house" I just nodded my head still clutching onto her. 'I don't care where we go as long as I get out of this storm' We walked over to her car and she helped me in. It took us about ten minutes to get to her house and when we got there my jaw dropped. 

'This house is a hug-' My thoughts were cut short by a loud crash of thunder. I clutched my head trying to block away the noise and hoping the ringing in my ears would go away. She rushed over to me and picked me up bridal style and carried me into her house. Once she put me down I pretend to look around the house to hide my blush.

Another crash of lighting came making me clutch onto her again. She picked me back up after closing the front door. And walked me over to what I guess was the living room. She sat me down on the couch and walked away looking for something.

She came back with two towels and handed me one. Another strike of lightning came and I was back to clutching onto her again.

"S-Stupid thunder"

"Hey, do you wanna go to my room? We can watch a movie" I shrugged my shoulders and she picked me again walking me up the stairs. She walked into her room and put me down into her huge walk-in closet. She walked out and handed me a black pair of shorts and a black hoodie that was a bit too big for me.

"You should change out of your wet clothes I'm gonna go make cookies!" she said rushing out of the room.

"Weird," I said. As I was about to put on the new clothes she came back through the door.

"Are chocolate chip cookies ok?" I gave her an I don't care look but she still waited for a response.

".......Yes" "K!" she said and ran out again.

"What the fuck...."

I changed into the clothes she gave me and waited for her to come back. I grabbed my phone and realize I had 37 missed calls and 23 text messages all of them were from my mom. I just shut my phone down and threw it to the side and choose to ignore her.

Another lightning strike came making me clutch onto the sides of my head. They keep getting louder and louder. I curled up into a ball hoping the storm would just go away. I tried my hardest to ignore in and sat in the room waiting for her to come back.

She came back in and sat next to me. 

"Are you ok?" I gave her a simple nod and turned my head away from her as another strike of lighting came. She wrapped her arms around me and tried to calm me down.

"It's ok," she said but all I heard was Lucero's voice reminding me of all the storms I'd spend with him.

She kept saying comforting words but it was his voice. I pushed her away and moved to the other side of the room. So gave me a worried look and tried to come closer to me but I just kept moving away. I kept going until I reached a wall and by that point, I was in full-blown tears.

"Jirou what's wron-" "Just stay away from me!" I clutched onto my ears but I could still hear his voice filling my ears. It started getting hard to breathe, my heart rate started to pick up and it was like the whole world around me just disappeared all I could hear was the ringing in my ears and the sound of his voice, it felt like I was spinning I couldn't think straight. I couldn't catch my breath, the constant tears falling from my eyes made it harder to see and my head felt like it might split it two.

'Why did this shit have to happen here' my thoughts were interrupted by a pair of arm rapping around me and tightly hugging me. I eventually gave in and hugged her back just as tightly. She rubbed the back of my head as she held me in her arms. My heart rate started to slow down and the voices began to stop.

"Shh it's ok" she whispered comforting words to me as I started to calm down.

"You wanna watch a movie" she whispered and I nodded my head. Reached over for the remote and turned on the tv. She held me tight as the show played, we watched a few episodes and I started to feel tired. My eyelids started to feel heavier and I eventually fell asleep in her arms.

Please Be Mine MomoJirouWhere stories live. Discover now