Part 3

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Jirou's POV

I woke on the ground with a headache and with no motivation to move. I sat up and looked at my alarm clock and it read 1:47. 'I don't even remember falling asleep' I sighed as I got up and walked downstairs being careful not to fall down the steps. I made it to the bottom And felt along the wall for the light switch before turning it on with a yawn.

Once the light was on I noticed a sticky note on the microwave. It was from my mom telling me to try to eat dinner tonight. "I'm not hungry," I said making me remember all the times I and Lucero would fight over the fact that I didn't eat enough. The memories flooded into my head as tear started to pool up into my eyes. I tried to wipe away tears but they just kept coming I eventually gave up crumbling up the paper and throwing it at the wall.

"Come on Kyo don't cry" I look up but saw an empty kitchen. I shook my head and I got up wiping my face and trying to calm down.

"Come on cheer up" I wiped my head around to the voice but again saw nothing.

"what the hell" I turned around quickly and bumped into someone I thought I'd never see again


"Hey Kyo" I walked up to him my eyes

"What are you doing here I thought..." I reached out to touch him but his body disappeared and the room turned black. All I could see was endless darkness not a sound was heard until his voice came back again.

"Kyo why didn't you keep your promise?"


"Does it not mean anything to you?"

"of course it does.... I just..."

"Just what?"

"Scared.... of losing someone else..."

"Pff you never lost me I'll always be with you in your heart"

"But I want you here..."

"I'll always be a part of you ok"


"Don't forget about our promise ok?"

"I won't..."

I shot up still on the ground in my room. My face was covered in tears and I couldn't control my breathing. I looked over at my alarm clock to see that I'd probably be late for the bus. I got ready quickly and once I was done I ran out of the house yelling a quick bye to my mother. As I was running it started raining nearly slipped As red car pulled up next to me. The car window rolled down revealing Yaoyorozu.

"You want a ride?" 'Please don't make this difficult just say yes'

   "Y-Yea sure" 'why the hell am I stuttering'. I got into the passenger seat of the car and she drove off. Once we got we got to the school she parked and a boy with half white and half red-dyed hair came over.

   "Hey, babe!" Yaoyorozu said and rushed over to him and kissed him on the cheek. The feeling of sadness and jealousy ran its way into my body as I looked at them together. 'why the hell am I jealous I barely even know her' Yaoyorozu then looked over at me like she had forgotten I was there and said.

   "Oh, Todoroki this is Jirou, Jirou this is Todoroki" he looked over at me and gave me a small glare before giving a small wave and pulling Yaoyorozu in another direction.

"Bye see you in art class!" She yelled

   "Bye," I said even though she couldn't hear me. 'What the hell am I so sad about?' I thought as I sighed and walked into the school. I still had sometime before class so I decided to listen to music so I played a random playlist.

   I walked aimlessly through the hallway until I was stopped by a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Todoroki. I took off my headphones and gave him a confused look.

"Stop talking to my girlfriend" I gave the same confused look

"We're just doing our projec-" "I don't care stop talking to her," He said in a mad tone with a glare before he turned around and walked away. I just stood there frozen and confused as hell.

"What the hell?"

The bell rung tell us to go to class. I walked to class with my head down to avoid eye contact with anyone. I made it to the door before I just said fuck it and decided to skip school I walked away and out of the school.

I walked to a special place only me a Lucero knew. It's past the trees through a thick forest. I walked until I saw the end of the forest, the place me and him used to come every day. It was a huge cliff we used to sneak out and sit here to watch the stars. Now it's just me. Or so I thought. I heard rustling in the trees and then I saw yaoyorozu nearly trip on a branch.

"D-Did you follow me?"

"I was worried, you just left school all of a sudden"

"Why are worried about me you don't even know me"

"That doesn't mean I don't care"

"Whatever just go"

"only if you're coming"

"I'm not leaving"

"Welp," she said and sat down next to me. I groaned in annoyance before giving up and just staring at the sky.

"The sky is so beautiful," she said as she laid down and watched the sky.

"Yea," I said remembering how I and Lucero use to play up here all the time. I smiled to myself remembering everything we'd used to do up here.

"Aww you do smile," she said with a giggle.

"Just remembering something"

"What is it?" she said as she sat up and gave me a curious look.

"Just me and my..... friend.... all the times that we'd sneak out and stay here all night, how we'd look at the stars, how he'd mess around and try to count all the stars in the sky, how we'd laugh and have.....he was my only friend the only friend I've ever had"

"He seems pretty coo-" "he's dead," I said cutting her off.

"He died in a car accident"

"Oh, I'm sor-" "don't apologize" it was quite for that moment nothing could be heard but the wind blowing in the trees.

"I could be your friend" I sat there quietly without a word 'just say yes...'

"........No" "But I-" "No! No No No No No No No!" I screamed before I ran off back into the forest. I ran and ran I almost tripped on three tree roots but I didn't care.

"Fuck you and your stupid promise!" I screamed when I made it out of the forest. I ran all the way home and straight to my room.

"I don't need friends," I told myself but it came out as more of a question than a statement.

"I don't need friends


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