Chapter 9

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Jirou POV

"Mom I'm home!" I didn't get a response. "Mom..? She's usually off from work by now.." I walked further into the house to find a note on the microwave. 

"I'm gonna be away for a few day for work I'll be back soon make sure you eat and don't stay up all night listening to music please, take care of yourself" 

'Damn I hate it when she leaves me home alone.. what if I get kidnapped or something.. who am I kidding who the hell would want me..' 

I walked up to my room and played on my phone till I got bored. I tried to go to sleep but of course I couldn't. I groaned into my pillow. It took me a few more hours to fall asleep but when I woke up I wasn't in my own bed.. 

"You finally woke up?" I looked over and saw lucero 

'Am I dreaming..?'

"Yea sorry" 

"You know if you didn't stay up all night listening to music you wouldn't be so tired"

"Oh stop lecturing me" He smiled at me before going back to a drawing he was doing. 

'I always loved his smile..' 

"What are you drawing?" I said walking over to him. 

"No you can't see it's not finished" Just then his favorite song came on 

"Oh here we go"

"When I was a young boy my father took me into the city to see a marching band" he jumped onto the couch and continued to sing into his pencil like it was a microphone.

"He said, Son, when you grow up would you be the savior of the broken the beaten and the damned?"

"You're such an idiot sometimes"

"Oh come on you love this song" he said trying to pull me on the couch with him. 

"There is no way in hell I am singing into a pencil why standing on a couch with you" he chuckled letting me go.

I turned around and looked at the drawing he wouldn't let me see. It looked like a drawing of me, it looked amazing. 

"Hey Lucero when did you.." when I turned around my heart sunk.. 


"J.. J-Jirou.." It was Lucero.. his car was flipped over and he was inside.. I just stood there like an idiot watching as he bled out. (I have some fucked up dreams man..)

"Jirou.... Jirou.. Jirou!"

"Lucero!!" I shot up from my bed panting hard and covered in sweat. I looked over to see a worried looking Momo at my side. 

"What's wrong"

"N-Nothing.. I'm sorry.. but I really don't wanna talk about it.."

"Thanks ok I understand" after a while I calmed down and we both sat on the floor.

"How'd you get in"

"I was on my way to school early and I saw that  the door was left open so I came in to make sure you were ok"

"Oh, thanks"

"Mhm" she smiled And it looked just like.. his.. 'ughhh could stop being depressed for five minutes!?'

"Um, you wanna watch a movie before it's time to get ready for school"

"Can we watch mlp!?"


"I know I know I just like it"

"Uh, sure let's go"

 After a while I got ready for class and walked to school together. It was the first time I walk without my headphones on we talked the entire way there and before we knew it we had gotten to school we said our goodbyes and went to class... were I had to deal with Denki and his friends..

 I couldn't get that stupid dream from before out of my head maybe I'm thinking about it to much.. I just can't get that image of him out my head.. ugh he's gone just stop thinking about it already!

"Right Jirou?" Denki said smiling at me. 

'Fuck I wasn't paying attention'

"Uhh y-yes?" They all looked at me like I was crazy. "N-No? I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention.." 

'You're such an idiot..'

"Hey Jirou are you ok..? Youve seemed out of it the whole day."

'No I Am anything but ok..'

"Y-Yea I'm fine" 'god why are you so stupid you didn't even know the question you were answering the probably think you're an idiot now why do you have to fuck everything u-'


"Y-Yes? W-Wait what huh I'm sorry u-um" (idk why the hell I do that my brain just doesn't know how to just pick a word sometimes.. )

'I swear to god if you don't shut the hell up..'

" Are you sure you're ok?" I hate when people ask me questions..

"You know you can talk to us"

"N-No I'm ok"

"Come on something is obvious bothering you"

"Just tell us it's ok" 

"I really don't wanna talk about you" It felt like everything was spinning everyone was in my face I didn't know what to do and I started to panic.

"I don't wanna talk about it ok!?!" Everyone in the rooms eyes where on my heart started racing and I felt like everyone in the room was whispering about me. 

"Jirou I'm sor-" I ran away ignoring them calling out my name I ignored all the weird looks I got and ran all the way to the bathroom and into a bathroom stall. 

"Ugh! You're such an idiot you just have to fuck everything up why did you have to go make friends why couldn't you just stay in your stupid ass corner and shut the hell up Like you always did!?" I'm so stupid.. why couldn't I just shut the hell up what's the point in making friends they'll just leave you eventually anyway...

Friends are so pointless.. 

Sorry for being so late with the new chapter school has been really stressful but I'm trying thanks for reading if you see spelling errors or grammar mistakes pls tell me that's guys I love you all 💚

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