Part 6

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Jirou's POV

I woke up an hour before my alarm clock and couldn't fall back asleep so I decided to get ready early. I did my morning routine and ended up leaving 40 minutes earlier than I usually do. I walked through the streets while it was still dark outside I walked past the bus stop and decided to just walk to school. I let out a long sigh as I walked along the dark road. Ended up at the school 27 minutes early. There was barely anyone in the halls and they were mostly teachers. I walked through the hallways randomly not giving a crap about where I was going. I continued to walk until I was slammed against a locker.

"I thought I told you to stop talking to my girlfriend!" he said as he gave me a death glare.

"I-I" "Todoroki?" we both looked over to see a confused Yaoyorozu walking over. She pushed Todoroki of me and stood in front of me.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Nothing, just mind your own damn business"

She turned around and grabbed my hand pulling me away.

"Where the hell are you going?!"

"Away from you" He grabbed her hand pulling her back.

"You're my girlfriend"

"well not anymore we're through, I'm not dating an asshole like you" and with that, she pulled away from him and walked away pulling me with her. We walked to the back of the school and she let go of my hand.

"Are you ok" I just nodded my head to scared to say something that would make her hate me more.

"Are you sure" I nodded again.

"Jirou what's wrong?"

"You shouldn't have helped me... I was such an ass to you... Don't you hate me? I was so rude to you. I didn't deserve your help. You should have just left me. I shouldn't hav-"

"Jirou calm down!"


"Look... You might not want friends but that's not gonna stop people from caring about you"

"You care about me...?"

"Yea of course I do, I'm always gonna care about you" I looked down at the ground.

'Just ask her... say you want her to be your friend' My brain refused to work right, my mouth just sat open, the words refusing to come out of my mouth.

'I probably look like an idiot'

"We should get back to school" I nodded my head walking past her towards the school entrance. We both walked to class To class in silence as I stared at the ground. I glance at her through the corner of my eye seeing that she looked sad. I let out a sigh and went back to staring at the ground. We got to class and walked in sitting next to each other. We sat in silence until she said we should get started on our project.

"Ok let's get started"

"Yeah about that, what is the project again?" she gave me an are you kidding me look.

"We have to make a painting that represents something meaningful to us. So what's meaningful to you?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"There's not a single thing you can think of?" I thought about it for a second.

"I like music"

"Ok we can do something like that" she walked over to the paints to the paints and got everything we needed

I know nothing about painting so... Time skip!

We turned in our project and sat at our desks in silence.

"I should do something to apologize to her..." I thought about it for a second until a thought popped into my head.

"Um, Yaoyorozu?"

"Hm? Oh and you can call me Yaomomo"

"Y-Yea, Um, I-I was just wondering If you wanted to... maybe go to a movie with me? To apologize for being a jerk..."

"Yea sure it sounds fun"


"How about tomorrow after school?"

"Um yea" (I say um before or in almost every sentence don't judge me...)

'ugh, I sound so stupid!' I stared at my hands as nervously I fiddled with my thumbs.

The class ended and we left the classroom. I walked through the crowded hallways trying to get to my class but ended up getting knocked on the floor by some random kid.

"Watch where you're going loser" I started picking up my books until I saw the kid from the other day help me. He helped me up and all the mean things I did started rushing into my head.

"You ok?"

"yea thanks..."

"Alright I'm gonna go-" "wait... I'm sorry... for being so rude"

"it's cool" 'ugh I feel like I'm gonna regret this...'

"can I maybe sit with you and your friends at lunch?"

"Yeah that'd be awesome"

"um ok" I quickly turned around and started walking to my classroom. Luceros voice came back and said

'see that wasn't so hard'

"oh, shut up" I said to seemingly no one.

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