Part 2

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   Jirou's POV

   Once I got my schedule Denki said goodbye and I just gave him a slight wave. Before I started walking off in another direction.

"Your class is this way, oh by the way what's your name?" "Kyoka Jirou". "Cool I-" I walked away before he could finish his sentence and sped down the hallway. "I don't need friends". I walked through the in search of my class. I looked over my schedule and saw that I had Art first. "Alright room 203" I said to myself.

I walked through the hallways until I realized that I was lost. "Great". I kept walking while not knowing where the hell I was going and somehow ended up right where I started. "Are you kidding me right now".

   After some time I had managed to make my way to class. I looked at my watch and realized I was seven minutes late. I sighed and knocked on the door the teacher opened it. She told me to call her Mrs. Joke and try not to be late to class again 'well maybe if this school wasn't so confusing'. I walked into the classroom I felt everyone's eyes on me. The teacher began introducing me while I starred at the ground trying to avoid eye contact with all the other students.

After what had felt like forever she finished her introduction. I rushed to the back of the class without making eye contact with anyone and took an empty seat away from everyone else. I looked up hoping no one's eyes were still on me but realized that the girl I bumped into earlier was sitting a row in the row In front and four seats over. I hadn't realized how long I'd been staring till she looked up at me and smiled making me quickly turn my head back to the teacher.

The teacher began class again but I zoned out until she started talking about an art project. I was excited about it until he said that we had to do it in pairs. She told us to pick our partners causing everyone to stand up and pick who they wanted. While everyone was getting up to partner up with their friends I just sat in the back not wanting to talk to anyone.

   I look over to see a bunch of people crowding Yaoyorozu's table 'she must be really popular' I thought. I sighed and laid my head down on my desk. 'Maybe there's an odd number of students in this class then maybe I'll be able to work by myse-' my thoughts were interrupted but a light tap on my shoulder. I looked up to see Yaoyorozu smiling at me and some other students giving me jealous glares.

"Hey Jirou wanna be my partner" I thought about it for a few seconds before looking around and seeing the whole room glaring at me. 'Damn is she really that popular' I looked up at her and thought 'whatever, I don't wanna work with any of these other people anyway'. I nodded my head yes and she sat the desk next to me and moved it closer to mine. 'Welp there goes working by myself'. I thought as I face-planted into my desk.

The teacher started explaining the project but my mind didn't feel like listening. I rested my head on my hand and started to feel really tired. 'Ugh I wish I got sleep last night I'm struggling to stay awake'. I gave up on trying to stay awake and close my eyes. I don't know how long I was asleep but I was woken up by a book landing loudly on my desk. "Gaah!" I screamed loudly making the whole class laugh at me. I look up to see Ms. Joke smiling innocently at me like she didn't just scare the shit out of me.

"Come on jirou you don't want me to have to give you detention do you?" she said in an overly cheery voice. I just shook my head and she walked back to the front of the classroom. I looked over to yaoyorozu to see her trying to hold back a laugh.

"You ok?" she said in between her fits of laughter. I rolled my I ignoring her and started paying attention to the teacher again. She explained that we had three weeks to complete our project and told us to get ready to leave.

'Shit I wasn't listening... What was the project?' I groaned in annoyance and started to pack up to leave.

   I picked up my books ready to leave but I heard someone calling my name and saw yaoyorozu walking towards me.

"Hey, can I get your phone number? So we can set up a date to do the project."

"Uh whatever sure" I gave her my phone number and walked away before she could say anything else

Time skip to lunch

I had just left my biology class, I walked through the crowded halls being crushed by the other kids walking through them. I made it outside and decided to just sit outside for lunch.


"You should eat," he said with his mouth full of food.

"And you shouldn't talk with your mouth full" he finished the food in his mouth before putting some fries in front of me.

"I'm not hungry," I said and he replied with puppy dog eyes saying please over and over again.

"Ughhh, Ok I'll eat them," I said as I gave in.


Flashback over

I started to tear up as the memories started filling my head.

"Hey" I turned my head to see and saw the same boy from earlier walking up. "Me and my friends wanted to ask if you wanted to sit with us for lunch" 'didn't I already tell him no once why doesn't he get it..... I don't need friends' "come on we don't bite could be friends" I continuously shook my head before running is another direction. 'Friends'. Ugh that stupid ass word keeps replaying in my mind. I ignored the image of that sad look in his eyes. It made me wanna go go back. I triedmy hardest so stop thinking about it 'I don't need friends I don't need friends I don't need friends ' I kept saying in my head as I ran through the hallway. I don't even know where the hell I'm going the only thing I cared about was getting away. "I'm always running from something..."

I walked through the almost empty halls not going anywhere in particular. Without realizing it I had ended up at my locker. I opened it up switching out the thinks I'd need for the next period.

Time skip to the end of the day

I walked off of the bus and started speed walking home. Once I got home I ran into my room ignoring the fact that my mother was calling me. I slammed the door and broke down crying on the floor. "Why did you have to leave" 'why did the one and only person I had have to leave.' I thought as I started to tear up.

"Honey are you ok?" My mom said from the other side of the door. I didn't answer her I just tried to stay quiet hoping she'd just leave me alone.

I heard a sigh before footsteps meaning that she was gone. I sighed loudly and curled up into a ball on the floor "I miss you so much, Lucero"

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