Part 7

698 27 42

Oh..... My.... Gosh.... I-..... I'm literally speechless right now I love you all soo much! Thank you so much for 700 views that means so much to me!
This chapter is short but I just wanted to get something out for you all school is beating me to a pulp right now, but I hope you like this chapter and I hope your day is as amazing as you are!

 I'm literally speechless right now I love you all soo much! Thank you so much for 700 views that means so much to me! This chapter is short but I just wanted to get something out for you all school is beating me to a pulp right now, but I hope yo...

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Jirou's POV

I walked back to my lock and leaned my head against it.

"Oh my god, why did I do that..." I groaned in frustration as I left to go to my next class. I started thinking about everything that could happen. The thoughts of the hundreds of ways I could mess up.

'what if they don't like me? What if they think I'm annoying? What I say something stupid and they all laugh at me?!'

"oh God, I can't do this" I was to caught up in my head that I didn't see the person right in front of me and ran right into them.

"Oh shit- are you ok?" She said brushing herself off and holding her hand out to me.

"I'm sorry," she said as I took her hand.

'Ugh this is way too much social interaction for one day'

"No it's my fault, I should have been watching where I was going"

"Well my name is Mina Ashido, it's nice to meet you"

"Yea um My name is Kyouka Jiro-" the late bell rang telling us we were late for class.


"I guess I should head to class now, It was nice meeting you and I hope to see you again sometime!" she said with a wave before walking off.

'I really do not feel like going to class...'

Time skip to before lunch

'Oh God I can't do this I can't do this' I thought as I gripped onto my head on the floor of a bathroom stall. I curled up into a ball regretting everything that happened today.

"ugh why did I ask him that?! maybe I just shouldn't go... forget trying to make friends I should just stay alone foreve-" "Jirou?"

'Shit... Is that Yaoyorozu?' I looked up a bit to see that she was on the other side of the stall door.

"Jirou are you ok?"


"please answer me... I just want to help you"

"..." she sigh and sat on the floor in front of the stall door.

"just talk to me... Please"

"....what is it like to have friends?"

"I can't really answer... I don't... have any friends..."

"w-what?" 'I thought she was the popular one that everyone loved...'

"they say they're my friends but I know they're only using me for popularity... All I want is a real friend...." it's like my body moved without me asking it to, without thinking I said...

"I'll be your friend..." 'oh my god I seriously say that...? maybe she didn't hear me...'

"Really?" 'shit..' I stood up and unlocked the door, she stood up and looked down at me

"y-yea.. I don't have any friends either but... Will you be mine?" she smiled and hugged me tightly but because of our height difference I just ended up in her chest.

"Oh! Sorry" she said letting me go. A blush covered my face and I looked down at the floor trying to hide it.

"I-It's ok"

"I've gotta go, tutor another student and I'm really late now so I should be going," she said with a big smile still present on her face.

"Y-Yea sorry for keeping you here" she waved and said goodbye one last time before heading out the door.

'Why the hell am I blushing so much...' I shook my head and walked out the door to where the lunch tables are. I stood at the doorway looking for where Kaminari and his friends were.

"Hey Jirou!" I turned around to see Denki and his friends waving at me.

'ugh here we go'

Me again sorry for the late chapter ill try to get the next one out as soon as possible

Please Be Mine MomoJirouWhere stories live. Discover now