Fortune-Teller (Sophiana) by @derpypancakez

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This turned out better than I expected! Yaaaay! 

Sorry, I've never done a girl x girl so if it's bad then oh well... *sighs*

I tried my best! Enjoy!

Human AU

"Do I really have to go?" Sophie whined, tugging on Grady and Edaline's hands.

"Yes, honey," Edaline said, slightly rolling her eyes.

"Look on the bright side! At least you'll meet new friends!" Grady patted her head.

Sophie dragged her feet and studied her new shoes as they walked towards the line at the front door.

"Sophie Foster, and she's in... let's see... Ms. Della's second-grade class!" Grady told the receptionist.

"Right this way," The woman nodded and pointed down the hallway. "Third door on the right."

"Thank you!" The hallway was dark, giving Sophie a feeling of doom. Hah. Here she was, walking towards her doom. Dark, and evil, and-

"Welcome!" Sophie heard a cheerful greeting. She looked up, into her teacher's bright blue eyes. She had long, brown hair that seemed to flow down her back, moving in mesmerizing ripples. This certainly didn't feel like doom. "You must be Sophie!" Ms. Della, or at least, Sophie presumed it was Ms. Della, said. Sophie gave a shy nod.

"Here, come with me. There's plenty of toys in the play corner," Ms. Della held out a hand for Sophie, and she took it tentatively. Sophie took one last look at her two smiling parents, who clutched each other's hands proudly. Her mother waved before wiping her eyes. Silly parents, Sophie thought. It's only for a couple of hours.

The classroom was a jumble of people and desks and chairs and posters. There was a dirty, worn carpet in the middle of the room, and a round desk in the corner that Sophie assumed was the teachers. In one of the other corners, there was a shelf that held dozens of boxes. Each had a name scribbled on them. Ms. Della gently guided Sophie to her seat, which was near one of the windows in the back. "If you need anything, come to me, okay?" She said as she pulled out Sophie's chair.

"Okay," Sophie said.

Ms. Della smiled and clapped her hands in a specific pattern. Clap clap clapclapclap. Something like that, anyway. "Alright class, return to your seats!" All of the kids scurried back to their seats, the sound of chairs screeching on the tiled floor piercing Sophie's ear. To her left, a girl with sparkling teal eyes and long, brown hair sat down.

Biana new a lot of people here from 1st grade. But she didn't recognize the blond-haired girl next to her. She had beautiful chocolate-brown eyes that glittered when she smiled.

"Um, hi!" Biana said.

"Hi! I'm Sophie," Sophie mumbled.

"I'm Biana. You're new right?" Biana asked.

"Y-yeah, I came here from Eternalia."

Biana screwed up her face. "Eternalia? Where's that?"

Sophie flushed. "Somewhere. You probably won't know."

"Oh, well, do you want to be friends?"

Sophie looked up. The girl seemed genuine. She breathed a sigh of relief. "Yeah," She said. "Nice to meet you, Biana."

<Two years later>

"Come on, we'll be late for class!" Biana tugged Sophie's sleeve as they ran through the hallways. The bell rang just as they got in the classroom.

"Whew!" Sophie giggled. "That was close, huh?"

"Yeah," Biana grinned. "and intense."

~Time Skip~

"Hey Foster," Keefe sauntered up behind Sophie. She turned around and faced Keefe's mischievous grin.

"What is it this time, Keefe?" She pretended to roll her eyes.

Keefe lowered his voice. "Do you like Biana?"

Sophie blushed. "Well, as a frie-"

"Then why don't you go marry her!" Keefe crowed. Sophie hit him on the shoulder, flustered.

"You're so immature," Sophie told him.

"Sorry, geez, it was just a joke," Keefe said sheepishly.

Biana joined them. "Hey, guys!" For the first time, Sophie noticed her heart-shaped lips and her dazzling teal eyes. She also felt her heart beating faster than before. Small things she hadn't noticed, yet were impossible to miss.

<Twenty years later>

It turns out, Keefe wasn't just immature, but a fortune-teller as well. Because on this day, exactly twenty years later, she was marrying Biana Vacker.

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