Misfits (Tamitz) by @derpypancakez

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This is fitz x tam! (I don't know what their ship name is soooo) Soulmate AU where most people have a tattoo of their soulmate's name on their wrist.

Almost everyone has a soulmate. Almost. There are a small number of people that don't have a name tattooed on their wrist. The people that are branded as misfits. As freaks. This is because people who are gay don't get a soulmate. People like Tam.

He's kept it secret his whole life. Only Linh knows. So far, long-sleeves and bandages have helped cover up the secret that could unravel his whole life.

On Tam's first day going to Eternalia High, someone caught his eye. It was Fitz Vacker. School jock, popular and handsome. And dating Sophie Foster, his soulmate. He was one of the many who had already found their soulmate. Even Linh had found her's, Wylie. Tam was one of the only ones doomed with fantasies that would never, ever come true.

Fitz has a secret as well. Under the confident smile and the perfectly-styled hair, there is a secret that could very well destroy his life.

As the weeks pass by, Tam's crush on Fitz grows. It grows until it's out of control, a raging, angry mess threatening to spill whenever he was near him. The only thing keeping in chained in was the voice in the back of his mind. Don't blow your cover. Stay secret, stay safe.

Nobody knows Fitz's secret. Except one person. Sophie Foster.

About one month into school, Tam was reaching in his locker when Fitz and Sophie walked past, holding hands. Tam froze, clenching and unclenching his fists as he fought to keep everything from spewing out in an ugly mess. But he couldn't help himself from one envying glare at Sophie. A glare that Fitz met with his soft teal eyes. Tam looked away, his cheeks flushing as he hurriedly shut the locker. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. He muttered to himself.

"One sec," Fitz said to Sophie. "I need to do one thing." Sophie gave a questioning look, but Fitz was already reaching into his backpack. "Go ahead to class, I'll see you there, ok?" He pulled out his notebook and ripped a page out, uncapping his pen. There, in the middle of the hallway, he wrote the note that changed his life.

Class was over in a flash. That was his last class, and with no extracurriculars, Tam walked back to his locker, ready to go home. As he swung open the door, a small piece of paper fluttered out. He was tempted to ignore it. It was probably just a piece of trash. Yet, he reached down and picked it up.

Meet me behind the school after you're dismissed.

Who was it written by? It was written by Fitz.

~Time Skip~

Tam didn't know why he went. He could've easily "forgot" about it and have gone home. But the curiosity was too much. He just couldn't make his feet stop walking towards the rear of the brick building. When he got there, Tam set his bag down and waited, leaning against the brick wall. He decided to give Fitz five minutes. If he didn't come within then, he would get going and forget about this day.

Precisely three minutes and forty-six seconds later, Fitz showed up.

To be completely honest, Fitz didn't expect Tam to show up. But he did, and he was standing in front of him right now. They had a sort of an awkward silence before Tam crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes.

"If you don't have anything to say, I'll just go-" He started.

Fitz, alarmed, instinctively reached out and grabbed Tam's wrist. His hands closed around bare skin, and Fitz's eyes widened. Tam had a bare wrist. No tattoo, no soulmate. Tam snapped his arm out of his grasp and turned, swiping at his stinging eyes as he started to run.

Fitz knew his secret.

"Wait!" Fitz called out desperately. "Don't worry!" He drew in a breath. "I'm just like you." Tam froze in his tracks. His mind took a minute to process, then to reprocess. Surely he heard wrong-

"I'm just like you," Fitz repeated. "So please come back," he pleaded.

Tam turned, his eyes trying to glare daggers but wide and surprised instead. "Show me," he snarled. He flinched as Fitz stepped closer. Fitz pulled up his own sleeve, revealing a clean, unmarked wrist.

"See?" Fitz said.

Tam shook his head. "But what about Sophie?" He breathed, more to himself.

Fitz smiled sadly. "Sophie is like us, too. We pretended to be soulmates so no one would think, would think, we were misfits."

Tam staggered backward, his mind spinning at the revelation. He closed his eyes and breathed in. "And you are telling me this because...?" He asked, the venom gone from his voice.

Fitz stepped even closer until they were just a foot apart. "I've been hiding from myself my whole life. I think it's time I changed that." He murmered. Tam stared wide-eyed as Fitz continued. "I've seen the way you look at me when you think I'm not paying attention," his voice was barely a whisper. Tam drew in a sharp breath.

"And I wanted you to know that the only person I love isn't Sophie, but you."

Tam's heart exploded in a flurry of feathers as Fitz's soft hands placed themselves on his cheek. Fitz pushed him back until Tam was standing with his back to the wall, enclosed by Fitz's arms as flower petals from the nearby dogwood tree fluttered to the ground around them. Both closed their eyes as their lips connected, the pink petals painting a scene Tam thought was only in steamy romance novels that Linh always read. He could scarcely believe what was happening, half ready for his alarm-clock to bring him back to reality. But it never happened. This was happening in real-life, and Tam sighed as their kiss became deeper.

Fitz pulled away first, his cheeks flushed from his lack of breath. Teal met silver before Tam pulled him in for another kiss.

Tam would have happily stayed like that, but the buses were about to leave, and without the bus, he would have no way of getting home. Fitz seemed to realize that as well because they both pulled away and picked up their bags.

"I can't believe it," Fitz murmured, still dazed.

"You'd better believe it," Tam told him.

"Do you want a ride in my car?" Fitz asked. "'Looks like the buses already left,"

"Really?" Tam said. Fitz gave him a glance, like, you think I'm kidding? "Thanks."

Fitz offered Tam his hand. "Then shall we?"

Tam grabbed it and squeezed tightly. "We shall."

asdfghjkl this is so cringy but I hope you liked it!

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