Hanahaki (Kam) by @darkstalkerno

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Hanahaki disease- A disease that comes as a side effect of unrequited love or a crush, causing the person to throw up flower petals. There are a few options to get rid of it- one can (a) have it removed, causing the person's love to wither,  (b) confess to the crush, or (c) allow it to take over, killing the person.

Tam was tired.

Tired of having to put up the same old facade every day, of the lonesome, emo loser in the group. Tired of dealing with this stupid crush... and its side effects.

"Tam, c'mon! We've got to get to school." Linh said through Tam's bedroom door, crouching impatiently in front of it.

"I'm on my way, just give me a second!" Tam quickly responded, then rushed over to his relatively small bathroom.

Opening up door and lifting the toilet seat, he let out a huge outburst of daffodil petals and blood inside it. Tam quickly rinsed his mouth with water, and hurried after his sister.

"Geez, it's getting a lot worse now. What happened?" Tam asked himself aloud, unfortunately in his sister's earshot.

"What's getting worse?" Linh, asked, confused.

"Oh! Nothing, just... our teacher's a lot stricter now. It's kinda weird."

"I might not have much time left... what should I do?" Tam wondered silently, as the two of them walked to school.

"Hey! Linh!" Marella called out, cheering up. "Oh, Tam, you're here too." (A/N: asdjgjdgd I dont want to make Marella mean)

Tam nodded, acknowledging her, and then walked away. Suddenly, he felt someone grab his arm.

"Hey, Tam, I've got a quick question for you." Keefe spun Tam around, and laid a hand on his shoulder. "Are you free tonight? the rest of us were wondering if you and Linh could join us for a sleepover at Dex's."

Tam shrugged. "P-probably. I'll ask Linh about it." He felt something rising in his throat, and turned away.

Silently and discreetly, he spat out more flower petals and a handful of blood. Shoving that hand into his pocket, he turned around.

"Well, see you then, I guess."

Keefe stared at him as he left, with more questions than answers. "Why was blood dripping down his face?" Keefe looked down at the ground, and saw a lone daffodil petal. "Strange."

A/N: Okay! There are three different directions this can go now. At the top of the chapter, the options of a, b, and c are there with a short, vague description of each. All three endings will be marked with bold text like this. Enjoy!


Tam walked quickly down the hallway, praying that no one else saw. He was so worried about getting away, he didn't even notice he was about to hit a wall.


Tam rubbed his head, taking a few steps backward. He looked up at the wall, and saw a poster.

Having trouble with Hanahaki? The school nurse can fix it for you! 

And then in small print: Please he has nothing to do

Tam looked at the poster for a bit, and then headed to the nurse's office.


"Hey, guys, quick question for you all." Keefe asked the group, everyone turning their heads to look at Keefe. "What's it mean when someone's got blood in their mouth and flower petals for no reason?"

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