Sick (Lylie) by KlarinetKat

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A/N Just wanted to put it out there, just because we write it doesn't mean we ship it. We mostly write oneshots for the ships we like, but not always. As you can see however, we really like Fedex and Kam, teehee. Ok, that's all, and sorry if this is really short and bad, I didn't really know what to do for Lylie. But anyway, Lylie for the winh! (lol)

Linh had always been the one to stay by Wylie's side. Even when everyone else was going on missions and adventures and everything, Linh didn't leave Wylie's side.

"Linh," Wylie choked out. He gripped Linh's hand tightly as he stared up into her silver-blue eyes. "Elwin said that it's really bad. That it might...kill me."

Wylie lay in a bed at the Foxfire infirmary, constantly tended to by Elwin and comforted by Linh. He had been there for just three days and already Elwin said that this disease, virus, illness, or whatever it was that Wylie had caught might prove fatal, even though it wasn't contagious.. They didn't know how long Wylie would live, or if he would ever get better.

"Wylie," Linh responded, squeezing his hand. "It'll be alright. You'll get better. I promise."

Wylie smiled shakily. "Don't make promises," He coughed loudly, " can't keep."

Linh shook her head, her eyes clouding with tears. "I promise."

"Linh, you should go now. I'm sure Tam is worried," Wylie whispered. He closed his eyes slowly and let his grip on Linh's hand go slack.

"No, he knows where I am," Linh said confidently. "I'm not leaving until you get better."

Suddenly Elwin burst into the room, his hair a disheveled mess and his blue-grey eyes full of fear. "Linh. Out. Now."

Linh jumped up, letting go of Wylie's hand. "Elwin, what is it?"

Elwin pushed past her and ran for a cabinet, throwing it open and rummaging through it. "No time to explain! Get out of the room!"



Linh felt two silent tears slide down her cheeks. She cast one last worried look at Wylie before running out of the room, slamming the door behind her. As soon as she was out of the room she fell down the ground, covering her tear-streaked face. She didn't know what she would do without Wylie. Other than her brother, no one else really understood her-except Wylie. She'd miss him so much. Their talks in the infirmary, how she'd do water tricks to keep him entertained, their deep discussions about life, secrets-even love. She'd never be the same without him.

"Linh?" A voice from above her said softly. She wiped away at her salty tears and looked up to find something just as salty, if not more. Her brother Tam.

"Tam," Linh whispered, her voice cracking. Before she knew it she was sobbing again, Tam holding her gently. She cried into his shoulder, her words trying to explain were nothing more than meaningless blubbers.

"'s ok Linh," Tam said, trying to comfort Linh. He rubbed circles into her back until the last of her tears were gone, and that was just as Elwin burst out into the hallway.

Elwin's grin seemed to fill half his face. "Amazing news!"

Linh sucked in a breath.

"Wylie's okay, and cured!" Elwin exclaimed.

And suddenly the sun had poured light back into Linh's world. She raced past Elwin and straight to Wylie's bed, where she saw him smiling softly up at her, his eyes half open. She could tell he was tired from whatever surgical procedure Elwin had gone through, so she gently closed his eyelids for him. He lay peacefully in the bed, his chest rising up and down for Linh to see his steady breaths.

"You're safe," Linh whispered, taking his hand in hers again. "I love you."

Linh thought he didn't hear it, but his mouth opened in a slight smile and he breathed out, "I love you too."

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