Dying Cats (Solinh) by @derpypancakez

461 12 8

ok so this is a different kind of story but I hope you like it!!!

Linh rolled around and reached to silence her alarm. Sophie was still sleeping soundly next to her. She picked up her phone and squinted, hoping the bright screen didn't wake her girlfriend up. Her eyes nearly popped out of her socket. 237 Notifications from Wattpad.

Did one of her stories blow up overnight? Was she famous? Linh quickly opened the app and... huh? 200 notifications on her message board? She didn't even have 200 followers-

She quickly read one of her top messages.

@CinnamonRoll have you seen the top trending story on wattpad today?!?! shooketh.

Another said:

@CinnamonRoll is that you in 'Story of Solinh'???? *fangirl screaming*

Huh? "Story of Solinh"? She switched over to Trending and there it was, at the top of the page, The Story of Solinh. What even was 'Solinh'?

"Sophie! Wake up!" Linh hissed. Normally, she would let her sleep, but this was a crisis! A disaster! A-

"Huh? What?" Sophie snapped awake and sat up. Linh shoved her phone in Sophie's face.

"Have you seen this?!" Sophie squinted as she read Linh's message board.

"Holy cow," She breathed as she reached for her own phone. Sure enough, 312 new notifications. They all said the same thing.

@FossBoss is that you in story of solinh omg you had a giRLFRIEND???

@FossBoss whoa that was an insane plot twist #storyofsolinh

"Anyway, what's Solinh?" Linh asked, reading over Sophie's shoulder.

"I think it means Sophie and Linh," She said, blushing.

"Oh," Linh giggled.

Sophie saw that it was by someone named "TEAM KAM". Kam... wait, that was KEEFE AND TAM! Sophie sighed and clicked "read." Sophie pushed Linh against the wall and kissed her deeply, thrusting her tongue-

Nope. Nope. Home. Go back. She scrambled to press the home button, screaming as if her phone was on fire.

Linh gave her a sideways glance. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," Sophie told her. "Just-just don't read the story. It has, uh, dying cats!"

Linh's expression turned to horror. "Dying cats? Noooo, cat's are adorable! Who in their right mind would-" She mumbled, her voice getting louder as she started to rant. Sophie exhaled. At least she saved Linh's innocence. Even if it meant listening to her ranting all day about cats...

Sophie started to text Keefe.


<Chat History: Sophie and Keefe>

FossBoss: KEEFE!

Hunkyhair: huh?

FossBoss: Don't act dumB you know WHAT yoU DID >:0

Hunkyhair: oh, um, hehe please don't kill me

Hunkyhair: i couldn't help it! You guys are adorable

FossBoss: mhm

FossBoss: At least make it innocent! You practically wrote smut!!

Hunkyhair: that was tam, not me

FossBoss: i donT caRE

FossBoss: this is a declaration of WARR

Hunkyhair: Sophie NO-

FossBoss has logged out

Hunkyhair: frick.


<Chat History: Linh and Tam>

CinnamonRoll: tAM

BangsBoi: whatttt

CinnamonRoll: "Story of Solinh?" really?

BangsBoi: oh yeaH that absolutely blEW UP. you guys are so cuteeee! 

CinnamonRoll: ...

CinnamonRoll: and dying cats? 

BangsBoi: huh?


BangsBoi: pfft lol "stupid booger head" and i dont know what ur talking about

CinnamonRoll: mhm. Don't think we won't fight back

CinnamonRoll has logged out

BangsBoi: wdymm dying cats i am confused

BangsBoi: ooook then bye


"I have a good idea," Linh said. "So what if Keefe is a doctor and saves Tam's life?"

"Or! What if they're roomates?" Sophie suggested.

"Ooh! Maybe, or what if-" The two flung suggestions towards each other as their fingers typed away. The only sound that could be heard from their apartment was sounds of furious typing as they wove a story of revenge.

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