Chapter 2- Spider-Mina

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  Kit's Pov

    Kit woke up the next morning, drenched in sweat. He'd had a dream about those annoying grey eyes that kept showing up in his mind, haunting him day by day and through the night as well. Why couldn't he keep the grey eyes out of his thoughts, his mind!? It was infuriating!!

   He turned to his bedside table and picked up his phone, checking the time: 7:29am. One minute before his alarm. Lovely. Kit zoned out for a moment, staring at his bedroom wall, waiting for his alarm to go off.

   Beep. Beep. Beep

   Turning off his alarm, he unlocked his phone to check his social media. He had a new follower on Instagram, but nothing significant had happened during the night. He followed the person back, turned off his phone and went to get dressed for training before Tessa came upstairs to wake him up. He put on a pair of grey sweatpants, a plain white t-shit and a grey hoodie. 

   He ran downstairs and ate the plate of scrambled eggs Jem had made for him. He started walking towards the door to put his shoes on to leave for training with Jarrad and his older brother, Damien, at the Devon Institute. Just as he was about to open the front door something small and Mina-sized latched onto his leg.

   "Please don't leave Kit! I want to play Spider-Mina!" She begged him in her adorable 3 year old voice. Spider-Mina was a game they had made up on Mina's third birthday. She had seen a video online where a Father was lifting his kid, who was dressed in a Spiderman costume, around the room so his kid could get the full Spiderman experience. Once Mina had seen the video she had begged Kit to do the same with here, he had agreed and now it had turned into a weekly thing for them. Kit didn't mind it but it did tire him out after twenty minutes of playing 'Spider-Mina'.

   "I have to go to training right now" He said, while lifting Mina into his arms, "but I promise we'll play Spider-Mina when I get back. Is that alright?"

   Mina huffed, obviously not completely satisfied with his answer but said "fine" anyway.

   He set Mina down on the floor carefully and shouted a goodbye to Jem and Tessa, letting them know he was going to training. He stepped outside and started walking towards the Institute.


So I seem to have a lot of ideas tonight (it's currently 1:50am for me) and have decided to use that to my advantage and write some more.

And yes, I did get the idea for Spider-Mina from that vine (at least I think it was a vine, idk) so credit to those guys for giving me the idea, I guess.

Please tell me is there is any grammatical errors in this chapter.

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Yours, LittleBunny xxx

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