Chapter 8- This Chapter Does Have a Name

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Ty's Pov

   Ty was sitting outside on the grass reading his book from Emma when Kit jogged up to him, smiling radiantly. The sun was shining brightly, making Kit's hair gleam and shine in the most gorgeous way. His bright blue eyes looked as pretty as well, his smile making them look brighter.

   "You ready for our picnic?" Kit asked him.

   "Yes" Ty got up off the ground and started walking towards Kit. He wondered where the picnic was. Kit couldn't be hiding food in any of his pockets, could he?

   "Where's the food?" Ty wanted to know, he was curious.

   "That, my dear Sherlock, is a surprise" Ty blushed at the old nickname and looked down at the grass to hide his red cheeks.

   "Is it okay for me to call you Sherlock? I know we haven't talked in a while and for all I know you could have a new Watson" Kit said, a bit flustered and.........hurt?

   "You're still my Watson, no one could replace you as my Watson. And I'm still Sherlock." Ty wanted to be really clear that Kit was his Watson, no amount of time apart would change that.

   "That's a good thing because-" Kit was cut off by one of his friends coming over and swinging an arm around Kit's shoulders, which was an incredible feat considering Kit's height.

   "Hey! Come on, I've come to save you from the little weirdo." Ty didn't know who the person was but it still hurt that the boy had called Ty a weirdo. Kit looked angry.

   "Why does everyone keep calling Ty weird?! He's not!!! Just because he's different doesn't mean he's weird. Ty is amazing and smart and a lot more open-minded than the rest of you! So if you could leave us alone for just a couple of hours, that would be great! Kit didn't yell but he did speak quite loudly, a bit too loud for Ty so he had covered his ears with his hands. He could still hear what Kit was saying, but it didn't sound as loud.

   "Jeez, I didn't realize you were so fond of the freak. I'll leave you be" The guy rose his hands in the air, a sign of peace. Ty was still hurt by his words though, he should be used to it by now. The guy walked away but Kit still seemed annoyed.

   "Are you okay" Ty asked tentatively.

   "I'm fine, it's just that people keep insulting you and they have no right to and they are completely wrong about you! You are different but that's what makes you special, what makes you unique, what makes you shine brighter than any star. And it's not fair that they think they can disrespect you because you're different." Kit said exasperated.

   "Lets go to the picnic. And thank you" Ty spoke quietly, a bit overwhelmed at what Kit had said. And Ty didn't shine, his skin tone was a bit pale but it wasn't shining.

   Kit nodded his head and smiled at Ty, gesturing for him to follow Kit. They reached the forest and trudged through the forest, making crinkly noises whenever one of them stepped on a leaf. They walked for a few minutes of silence before Kit glanced back at Ty and spoke.

   "Why do you keep looking at your arms?" Kit questioned, a cheerful grin on his face.

   "I'm checking to see if I'm shining or glowing."

   "What?" Kit said dumbfounded.

   "You said that I shine brighter than a star but I never noticed that I was ever shining." Ty replied, a bit confused at the amused look on Kit's face. Had he done something silly or stupid? Had he made a fool of himself in front of Kit?

    Kit stopped walking and turned around to face Ty.

   "I didn't mean it literally. I meant that...." Kit paused for a minute, trying to figure out how to describe the figure of speech. 

   "There are billions of stars in the universe and some of them are brighter than others, shine brighter than others. And people don't always notice the brighter stars but those stars still shine brighter than all the others, and are seen eventually, and people talk about the beautiful stars they saw, but they're really only thinking of that one star, the brightest one in the sky. And if people were stars, then you would be the brightest one, shining the brightest in the sky because right now it might seem like people think you're weird, which you're not, but sometime soon you are going to do incredible things and everyone will remember you, and regret how mean they were to you. You are amazing and you shine brighter than all these idiots put together." Kit finished, taking a deep breath at the end of his sentence.

   Ty was shocked, no one had ever said something like that to him before, Julian had reassured him sometimes but no one had ever said something like that. It made him fall in love with Kit even more.

   "Oh. I, um....I-" Ty stuttered, not knowing what to say. Kit smiled at him and lifted his hand, as if to caress Ty's cheek but stopped mid-air and dropped his hand.

   "We're nearly at the picnic. Lets go." Ty simply followed Kit through the forest.

   They walked through a bush, Kit holding the branch for Ty. Ty was met with a lovely sight. There was a tiny circle of trees, probably five feet by five feet. There was a red and white checkered blanked with a little basket on the side. It looked beautiful.


Hey guys, I wrote this a couple nights ago and was going to continue with the chapter but I really need to update, so I'm going to post this now and hopefully you should have another chapter tonight.

The 'date' is going to be the next chapter and it's where the plot will start coming together so we can get to the good stuff, romance, drama, action (not that kind you dirty minded beasts ;) but it will get everything rolling so I can write an actual 'book' with an actual plot rather than these two  just being fluffy and adorable through the entire thing, as much as I would love that. I just have some great plot ideas and I want to write them so I'm going to, it'll just take time.

Please comment, vote and follow!

Yours, LittleBunny xxx

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