Chapter 9- Date or Friendly Outing?

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Kit's Pov

   Once they arrived at the picnic, Kit looked at Ty's face to see if he liked it, Kit couldn't really sense any emotion from Ty's face so decided to ask him instead.

   "Do you like it? Or is it too cheesy?" Kit was a nervous wreck, what if Ty hated it?

   "I love it. It looks amazing!" A bright smile appeared on Ty's face an it lit up Kit's whole world. If everything was falling to pieces, that smile would make Kit believe it would be okay.

   "Come on, let's sit!" Kit said, gesturing at the blanket and guiding Ty over to sit down, a smile on his own face.

   They sat down and Kit began unpacking the sandwiches, apples and bottled water, saving the chocolate for later. Ty was sitting opposite Kit with his legs crossed while admiring the scenery around them.

   It was quite a charming place, the leaves were a light green, there were some dark green bushes, even a few holly bushes with bright red berries, all the colours contrasting perfectly in the late afternoon light. The canopy above them filtered the light so there were some shadows but none on the blanket, as if the forest had made them their very own spotlight, with mini spotlights for some bushes and trees and the odd squirrel now and then. Kit really had gotten lucky finding this particular spot.

   Kit carefully laid the food out on plates and passed Ty his  one. Ty picked up the cheese sandwich and took a bite, still admiring their surroundings. Kit let Ty look at the forest, knowing Ty enjoyed nature, probably one of the reasons he chose the forest rather than the field.

   "Most of these are ash trees, you can tell because their leaves are quite distinctive. See?" Ty had picked up a fallen ash leaf and it was like its own little branch, small, rounded leaves coming out of a stem. This was one leaf, Kit thought it was more like eight but Ty probably knew better, he was the one interested in this stuff after all.

   "I didn't know that but I did notice that they were all the same type of tree"

   "And those are holly bushes. Did you know that holly bushes have different sexes? " It seemed kind of boring but Kit was actually interested for once.

   "This is all news to me. Continue?"

   "Well one of the easiest ways to find out whether it male or female is the flowers. If you look at the center of a female flower it has a green bump, technically an ovary and the male flower has four yellow stems." Usually Kit would find this a strange topic for a date, or friendly outing or whatever this was, but with Ty it felt completely natural.

   They continued talking for what felt like hours but it really was only two.  They had quickly finished their food and were taking squares of chocolate, which was sitting in its wrapper between them, every now and then.

   They were about to make their discussion about the construction of airplanes a bit more in depth, Kit being instantly fascinated with each new topic, but heard a loud crashing noise from above their heads. They looked up at the sky, finding it completely clear without a cloud, let alone a storm, in sight. They looked at each other, equally confused, with Ty looking at a spot above Kit's shoulder, before realization flooded into Ty's eyes.

   "Someone's trying to get into the wards" He said, calm, but seemingly shocked and confused.

   "But wouldn't they be transported to the other side, like the wards on Idris?"

   "Not if they were powerful enough"

   "We should go back." Kit was disappointed to have to stop early but whatever was happening was worrying Ty, so he decided to go back to find out who was trying to get inside the wards.

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