Chapter 5- New Student

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   Ty's Pov

   Ty woke up the next morning and went about his daily routine. Seven minute shower, three minutes to put on black skinny jeans, a navy top, a pale pink jumper and a pair of Adidas runners, four minutes to brush his teeth, two minutes to give Irene her food and four minutes to get a bagel for breakfast before walking out the door to go to his history class.

   Nothing really important happened that day other than the announcement that they'd be having a new student joining them later in the day. Professor Bridgewater, who also ran the academy, was very insistent on the need to protect the new student as there were several dangerous people out for the persons blood. She didn't say much else, not even their name, but Ty had no intention of protecting a complete stranger unless they earned his absolute trust, which was hard to do.

   The rest of his day went by uneventfully until he got to his Advanced Swordplay class, he had gone back to his room beforehand to change into a pair of blue shorts and a white tank top. Today the class was being held in the training hall because it was hailing outside. The instructor told them all to stop sparring so she could introduce the new student.

   "Class, our new student shall be joining us shortly, he shall introduce himself and Mr. Penhallow, you shall help get him up to date with what we have been doing so far this year. I shall check on your progress ten minutes before the end of class" Instructor Ashstorm spoke clearly and in a tone that demanded respect and nothing less. When Liam Penhallow had gone to protest at being put with the new student, she had simply sent him a glare and continued speaking.

   Liam Penhallow was Aline Penhallow's younger brother. He seemed nice enough, sending Ty small and encouraging smiles every now and then during class, but they rarely spoke. He had dark brown hair and brown eyes with nicely tanned skin, he was attractive but not as beautiful as Kit.

   He had to stop thinking of Kit, if he kept thinking about him how would he get over him?

   The sound of the door quietly opening and closing broke Ty's train of thought. He looked over to the door to see an eighteen year old boy wearing baggy sweatpants and a faded green t-shirt. The boy had bright blue eyes, shining as blue as the ocean, brown hair that was all too familiar to Ty, although he was used to it being blond, he must have dyed it. It was Kit. The new student who would be living at the Scholomance was Kit. Kit who had left without saying goodbye, leaving Ty a confused and emotional mess. 


   He had gotten taller since Ty had last seen him, he was probably 6'2 comparably tall to Ty's 5'9. He had also gotten more muscular, his t-shirt was almost straining against his torso and wide shoulders. His jawline had gotten more defined and you could see how sharp it was from across the room.

   Ty's eyes, after racking up and down Kit's body, met Kit's eyes, pale grey meeting oceanic blue. He quickly took the look of shock off his features and replaced it with one of cool indifference, something he had learned to do from watching Julian. 

   Julian always had to be act calm, even if he was panicking inside, so Ty had studied Julian and learned to mask his emotions so his siblings wouldn't worry about him. Ty knew that when Julian worried about him it took up all of his time until he knew that Ty was alright again. Ty didn't want to make Julian worry, especially since he had to do so much for everyone, less now that Helen was back, but he still did a lot. And if Julian worried it would effect everyone, and not in a good way.

   Ty broke his gaze from Kit's once Instructor Ashstorm had finished introducing Kit to everyone. Lots of the girls were staring at Kit with hungry looks in their eyes and it made Ty uncomfortable. Why did they have to stare, Kit wasn't their property, they didn't even know him! So why were they staring?! Ty felt something very similar  to what he felt when Kit said he had fallen in love with someone.

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