Chapter 4- Instagram

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  Hello, in this chapter I'm going to be writing from Ty's point of view, I'm going to try my best but don't be expecting wonders! I also feel like I might be over-using certain words, could you point it out if you see that I am so I can change that in future chapters, thank you!


    After Kit had left Ty had felt very confused. He constantly wondered if he had done something to drive the blue eyed boy away. Ty knew that he wasn't very good at seeing what people were feeling and sometimes he messed up because of that, but he thought Kit understood.

    When Kit had first arrived at the L.A Institute Ty had been anxious to have a new person living with him and his family. He didn't always show it very well but he loved his family and he didn't want anyone ruining the way things worked. There was a system in place that worked for them and adding a whole other person to the equation could've ruined that, it could've changed everything. Ty didn't really like change, he thought that if things worked a certain way, why do things differently?

   But after spending some time around Kit, Ty realized that Kit was nice and knew that Ty was different. What surprised  him was that Kit didn't tease him once he realized how different Ty was, everyone else had, apart from his family. Kit had respected that Ty was different and never pushed Ty too much or made him feel uncomfortable. 

   Ty had loved Kit for that, for everything, it just took Ty too long to realize that he loved Kit differently to the way he loved Julian or Livvy or Emma or any of the others. After a bit of help from Livvy's ghost, reading different romance novels and a bit of research on the internet, Ty saw that he had fallen in love with Kit. He just realized it too late.

   Kit was living in Devon with Jem, Tessa and Mina, and Ty was living at the Scholomance, being trained to become a Centurion, some of the most honorable Shadowhunters to ever live. The point was that Ty wouldn't see Kit again, unless he purposefully went to Cirenworth hall just to see him. 

   Ty had slowly gotten used to the idea of not having Kit around all the time, but he still felt a sharp feeling in his chest, near his heart whenever he thought of the blond haired boy. He couldn't accurately describe the feeling, it was similar to the feeling he had after Livvy died but it wasn't the same.

    It was less pain but more at the same time and it confused Ty to the extent that he had hired a warlock several times to portal him to Devon, only to back out at the last second. It had been the same with letters and digitally contacting him.

    Ty had gotten Instagram on his phone to try and find Kit's account and maybe talk to him on there. Ty had only recently found Kit's account and it was mostly pictures of him and Mina, but there were a few of him and a couple of other boys at some sort of park. The park was made of concrete and seemed to be filled with lots of random bumps and ramps and Ty couldn't fathom the whole point of it. There were a couple of pictures at a pizza place but it didn't look significant.

   Now, lying on his bed, Ty was staring at his phone screen, contemplating whether or not to dm Kit. Irene jumped up next to him and snuggled up to his side, he gently stroked the fur on her head, which she seemed to enjoy and simultaneously calmed Ty down.

   A few moments later he decided to dm Kit, something simple and nothing to give away his true identity.

(Ty) Being: Hello

(Kit) Rockin'Rook: Hey, what's up!

Being: Well, technically, everything and nothing at the same time. Since our planet is just a huge rock hurtling through space we don't know which way is up, or which way is down. For all we know Australia is at the top and America is at the bottom, we don't know.

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