Chapter 12- A Note from the Riders

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Ty's Pov

   After showing Justin, Kit's boyfriend, to Kit's room, Ty ran back to his own room, trying to hold back his tears.

   How could Kit have a boyfriend? Maybe that's what he meant when he said he was in love with someone. Kit was in love with Justin. But they had a picnic together, Ty thought it might have been a date but obviously it was just a friendly outing. How could he have gotten so confused, of course Kit wouldn't like Ty like that! Ty was weird and Kit was probably just being nice because they used to know each other. Ty was weird and stupid and Kit would never like him.

   Ty curled up on his bed, tears streaming down his face. He lay on his left side with his knees tucked under his chin and his arms wrapped around his legs. Irene jumped up next to him and nudged his forehead with her nose. He shook his head at her. She understood the message and curled up next to him, her chin on his shoulder, one front paw on either side of his head and her tail resting on his right arm. It felt nice.

   Ty lay there for twelve minutes before wiping his tears and sitting up. He walked over to his desk and pulled out a drawing pad and some pencils. He pulled up a picture of a raven on his laptop and stared drawing it.

   His pencil flowed over his page, creating a beautiful picture. The beak curving gently at the end, the feathers overlapping each other and making the appearance of the graceful creature seem much more elegant. He drew the claws clutching a perch for it to sit on, digging into the soft wood.

   As he was starting to shade in the birds eyes his door burst open to reveal Kit, looking distressed and extremely worried, his teary blue eyes searched the room distractedly before settling and focusing on Ty at his desk. Ty stood up, a little annoyed at the disturbance but concerned about what was bothering Kit. 

   What could have got him so distraught?

   "Ty?" Kit whispered, his voice cracking near the end of the syllable.

   "Tell me. Tell me what you need" Ty asked, like Kit did on the rooftop all those years ago, he could tell that Kit was upset and needed Ty to help.

   "Hold me." His voice completely breaking as he broke down in sobs.

   Ty walked over and put his arms around Kit's neck. Kit's arms enveloped him in a strong embrace as Ty led them over to sit on the bed.

   Kit wept for an hour before falling asleep on Ty's shoulder. Ty lay Kit down and walked over to close the door, luckily no one had walked by while Kit was in such a vulnerable state.

    He switched off the lights, changed into his pyjamas and lay down next to Kit, who at the feeling of someone else in the bed tensed up for a moment before moving closer to Ty. Ty placed his arms around Kit's shoulders and Kit's head rested on Ty's shoulder (which was bent at a strange angle, almost 90 degrees from its usual position) and his forehead leaning on Ty's chest.

   They both fell asleep after a day of exhaustion and shock.     


Kit's Pov

   Waking up the first thing Kit noticed was that there was someone else in bed with him, with their arms around his shoulders and his head against their chest. The second thing Kit noticed was that the person was Ty.

   He slowly sat up, trying not to wake the sleeping boy, remembering yesterday's events. Mina had been kidnapped. He had broken down in front of Ty. He had broken down in front of Ty.

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